This is probably a stupid question, but...


Hero Member
Is it necessary to cut slots in the 6 screw vintage trem saddles?  I'm assuming yes, but I wanted to make absolutely sure before I go filing anything.  I'm suffering from first-project paranoia  :laughing7:
I'm suffering from first-project paranoia 

Trust me, we all know that feeling!  I don't think you need to.  Most Fender style bridge saddles have no notch in them, the strings break over the rounded part just fine.
What brand is your trem ?

Usually, vintage trems don't need any kind of filing. Some of the more modern vintage ones like Wilkinson etc. have slots already because that's how they want theirs 'to be'.
I purchased the bridge straight from Warmoth, if that's any help.  I figured they'd break over the rounded surface ok, but I wasn't too sure how much they might "roam" to either side during string bending.
Xplorervoodoo said:
I purchased the bridge straight from Warmoth, if that's any help.  I figured they'd break over the rounded surface ok, but I wasn't too sure how much they might "roam" to either side during string bending.

just as much as they need to, they come back just fine :icon_thumright: