30.5" scale, swamp ash, maple/ebony neck, Schaller bridge and tuners, "High-C" tenor tuning - E A D G C. I thought I might have to tune up a whole step to F# B E A D because of the scale, but it's working fine as is with D'Addario Chromes. I guess you might get away with lower action with tighter strings... I inset the top strap button with a 1/2" brad point drill bit. After seeing enough of those on custom guitars and PRS's the ordinary, Strat-type strap attachment with the sides of the button hanging off into space started looking barbaric, cheap and under-engineered:

Hey! Where are the side position dots?!? Oh crap - HERE are the side position dots:

(3/32" nickel/silver rod)
Hey! Where are the front position marker dots? OH CRAP! Here they are:

(3/16" nickel silver rod - I also have some 1/4" red acrylic rod on the way, I'm not sure which way the dots will go...)
Hey! These body shapes sure look similar!

Hey! These string retainers sure look similar!

The maple/ebony, swamp ash, Schaller bridge & tuners brothers:

The short-scale brothers:

I have some cool little brass gears I was gonna use as knobs, but the more I look at it the more I think such a simple, classy babe needs just some basic amber Les Paul bell knobs.

(also pictured is the Delrin AF sheet I cut the nut from, and some 1/8" brass stock I'm gonna use to make it a real brass nut when I recover from the build burn... might upgrade the string guide too.)
This thing is an absolute gas to play, but of course the intonation requires absolute attention - it's got 28 "frets" so the highest note is an E5, equivalent to the E note at the 12th fret of the high E string on a guitar. I have to do some organized intonation drilling, at least an hour a day till February or March I figure, then I'll decide whether to put in a preamp or not. I had Warmoth rout the hole for a double battery box, but I'm already getting the midrangey, 600Mhz - 2K Les Paulish tone I wanted, so maybe I'll just have to use the 18-volt battery hole as a condom dispenser or something. :icon_biggrin: