
The Practice Project

Which color stain should I use.(It's Cabot semi-solid stain)? See above post for smaples...

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Please comment on this color sample. Cabot semi-transparent stain. The dilemma is that surface prep would be way too much work due to the previous paint, so I do want to mask some imperfections, hence the semitranparent...
I'm also groovin' on these semi-solid colors. A little more masking but with the dark grain filler it should come through...

Here's the link in case you want to check out others: http://www.cabotstain.com/colors-and-finishes/families/Semi-Solids-Colors.html
Meh, without seeing the colors in person on a guitar it's hard to say. Tons of people here have done easy and good stain jobs with minwax oil-based, they're available everywhere. If you want to get real simple, they even have the one-step stain and clear coat stuff.
bigdaddy said:
yeah, I know. Unfortunately I am gonna have to decide without seeing the colors on a guitar...
How about a piece of scrap wood with some guitar parts laid on it?
NonsenseTele said:
Let it natural!
Agreed, that's a super cool looking grain on that...Or maybe something like my Jackson.... :icon_biggrin: