

Max said:
riverbluff said:
swarfrat said:
At the moment, I only have two guitars. But THE ONE has seen others come and go. It's an old old Zion hardtail strat. Had three singles when I bought it, sported a bridge humbucker for a while, back to three singles w/ EMG-SA's. When I bought this guitar, I was with my guitar buddy. He was a very young adult who'd sadly come into his inheritance early, and he had pretty much anything he wanted guitar wise. He was a shredmeister, and this guitar was not up his alley at all (hardtail S/S/S) , but he picked it up, and said "Buy this guitar! I need another guitar like I need a hole in the head." I did end up walking out with it, and have had it the last twenty years.  When I bought it, Zion was still based in my hometown. I took it by and showed it to Ken Hoover, and he said it was one of their very earliest guitars. It has a very old logo they no longer use, he placed it about '83 or so. 

I was lucky enough to get a tour of the Zion shop in Raleigh NC.  They make some really nice axes. 

They do all the tech work for the Guitar Center id Raleigh, but if you take the guitar straight to them rather then to Guitar Center you avoid the surcharge and actually get faster service.  I had them do the initial setup on all my guitars before I left NC.

Last 2 times I'd looked at that building, it looked closed. I'm going to try to contact them and see if I can look around.

Yeah, they always look closed and usually you have to call because they are usually in the factory in the back of the building.
riverbluff said:
Max said:
riverbluff said:
swarfrat said:
At the moment, I only have two guitars. But THE ONE has seen others come and go. It's an old old Zion hardtail strat. Had three singles when I bought it, sported a bridge humbucker for a while, back to three singles w/ EMG-SA's. When I bought this guitar, I was with my guitar buddy. He was a very young adult who'd sadly come into his inheritance early, and he had pretty much anything he wanted guitar wise. He was a shredmeister, and this guitar was not up his alley at all (hardtail S/S/S) , but he picked it up, and said "Buy this guitar! I need another guitar like I need a hole in the head." I did end up walking out with it, and have had it the last twenty years.  When I bought it, Zion was still based in my hometown. I took it by and showed it to Ken Hoover, and he said it was one of their very earliest guitars. It has a very old logo they no longer use, he placed it about '83 or so. 

I was lucky enough to get a tour of the Zion shop in Raleigh NC.  They make some really nice axes. 

They do all the tech work for the Guitar Center id Raleigh, but if you take the guitar straight to them rather then to Guitar Center you avoid the surcharge and actually get faster service.  I had them do the initial setup on all my guitars before I left NC.

Last 2 times I'd looked at that building, it looked closed. I'm going to try to contact them and see if I can look around.

Yeah, they always look closed and usually you have to call because they are usually in the factory in the back of the building.
Alright, thanks, man!
The washing machine in the front room made me think it was just used for storage.
Since I signed up for a photobucket account, it's this one:
No - it's on purpose. I intensely dislike having to remove the pickguard to change the battery. Battery lives in the space created by flipping the jack.
I did the same thing on one of my guitars, but I still have a second battery under the pickguard for an 18volt setup.
My main guitar has been the same for two decades - 1990 PRS original EG, looks like this but mine is red:


Came with 3 single coils that I immediately replaced, 'cause back then I was ROCKING. I still have the original pups stowed away somewhere. It's had a couple other mods through the years, but it's the greatest neck I've ever played. In fact, I liked it so much I added four more of them to the family.

We'll see if my Warmoth builds can steal my heart...
I have to say my PRS has a nice neck, I do not know if it is the scale or what but I just really like playing it.
However I do not need 5 of the same guitar, If I were to get another PRS it would be a McCartney model
My go to guitars have always been Teles though, I just like the feel of them in my hands, Even during the Hair metal days when it was all about strat clones I had a MIJ Tele with 2 humbuckers and a Floyd. I wish sometimes I had never sold that guitar, only axe with a Floyd I ever liked.
Disco Scottie said:
My main guitar has been the same for two decades - 1990 PRS original EG, looks like this but mine is red:


Came with 3 single coils that I immediately replaced, 'cause back then I was ROCKING. I still have the original pups stowed away somewhere. It's had a couple other mods through the years, but it's the greatest neck I've ever played. In fact, I liked it so much I added four more of them to the family.

We'll see if my Warmoth builds can steal my heart...

Why would anyone angle the pickups that way?
Street Avenger said:
Disco Scottie said:
My main guitar has been the same for two decades - 1990 PRS original EG, looks like this but mine is red:


Came with 3 single coils that I immediately replaced, 'cause back then I was ROCKING. I still have the original pups stowed away somewhere. It's had a couple other mods through the years, but it's the greatest neck I've ever played. In fact, I liked it so much I added four more of them to the family.

We'll see if my Warmoth builds can steal my heart...

Why would anyone angle the pickups that way?

I think they were just going for something different with the look. My red one came with three singles like the bottom one in this pic:


So they just took the typical Strat bridge pup angle and used it on all three. I now have one still with this setup, it sounds just like any other Strat guitar. Never noticed anything better or worse about the pup placement.

BTW the top guitar in that pic is the 2nd version of the EG line, the one that came with the Lindy Fralin "domino" pickups. Obviously this guy modded both of his.
I love my LP and my Strat both a lot... but I play the Strat a lot more.  I play sitting at my computer most of the time, and because of the tummy cut, the Strat doesn't stick me in the ribs like the LP.  Plus I love the pickups that TroubledTreble made for me a lot, and I'm playing pretty clean about 75% of the time.  And it's got a raw neck, so every time I go back to my LP I get a little sulky because the neck isn't raw on that one (my one regret about that build... I didn't know the glory of raw necks at the time). 

But when I'm in the mood for playing heavier music, I bust out the LP.  It's a rock machine.  I guess it's good that I play it less though, because the Strat has SS frets and the LP doesn't, and my frets won't wear down as fast if I'm not playing it as much.
Cagey said:
Street Avenger said:
Why would anyone angle the pickups that way?

To make the pole pieces line up with the strings.

They should line up anyway.  Mine do.

If anything, they should be angled the opposite way (like Paul Gilbert's Fireman).  Does one really need more bass on the bass side, and more treble on the treble side?
Street Avenger said:
They should line up anyway.  Mine do.

It has not always been the case where that was possible.

Street Avenger said:
If anything, they should be angled the opposite way (like Paul Gilbert's Fireman).  Does one really need more bass on the bass side, and more treble on the treble side?

I'm not sure angling them either way has any noticeable or measurable effect. Certainly not as much as raising/lowering one side or the other does.
hannaugh said:
(my one regret about that build... I didn't know the glory of raw necks at the time). 

Hi, Hannaugh -

Fortunately, this is a bolt-on universe!  Easy fix available at just $296 bux in the showcase:


Just sayin'.

hannaugh said:
Is it conversion scale?  I don't do Fender scale.  The shorter the better for me. 

Nope, but this one is  - http://www.warmoth.com/Showcase/ShowcaseNeck.aspx?i=wn950&Body=1&Path=Neck

Geez, that's fancy.  I think the pearloid binding would clash with the ivoroid on the body though. 

Maybe someday I'll take the current neck off and have a different one made.  Probably not though.  Even if it is finished, it's a gorgeous neck.