
The nicest nights sleep I have had in quite a while.


Senior Member
Recently I decided to go wee willy winky style in bed and bought a night shirt and night cap. And I have had consistently fantastic nights sleep, not that I had problems with my sleep, just the quality has inproved. I would reccommend in to everyone.
Velcro said:
You want a picture of me in my pyjamas.?  :-\

Only if you're peeing in them. We know where you work, and the interwebs can make you famous <grin>
I'll get the ball rolling. Here's me in my pyjamas.  :icon_jokercolor:

I envy you. I have horrible sleep patterns. I wish I could get some good continuous rest.


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I stopped fighting the "good night's sleep" expectation many years ago. It's just not me. I found that if I slept when I was tired, and got up when I woke up, I slept a lot less and was a lot more refreshed/relaxed. Some might call me an insomniac, but I think that term is just for those who worry about how much they're sleeping if it doesn't fit the norm. I'm not missing out on any sleep. I just don't sleep for more than a couple/few hours at a time, and twice a day usually does it. Drives the people I've lived with nuts, but I don't care. You only live once, and for a limited time. May as well be conscious. Can't get anything done or enjoy yourself if you're zonked out. Besides, all that internet porn won't download itself. It needs supervision <grin>
My problem is that I don't get tired when normal people do. My Circadian Clock makes me want to sleep way later than anyone else. I can't wait until I start working afternoon shift.
Sleep? what is that? I am now even immune to ambien... all it does is make me kranky..and makes me want to punch my co-workers in the nose...
nexrex said:
My problem is that I don't get tired when normal people do. My Circadian Clock makes me want to sleep way later than anyone else. I can't wait until I start working afternoon shift.

Your circadian clock can shift all over the place, given time. Mine shifts maybe 15 minutes a day, so I eventually get to where I sleep a couple hours in the early morning and late at night, and am awake most of the day and night otherwise. Over time, I'll get to where I sleep a couple hours in the middle of the night and day. It keeps rotating until it comes full circle. Depending on what you'd like to be doing, that can get in the way sometimes. Other people who follow more traditional rhythms may wonder why you're making lasagne at 4am, drinking beer at 8am, and snoring at noon.
Since i started back last week i managed 2 am till between half 7 to half 8 am,
depending if i had to start walking to uni at 8 or 9 , as i have normal start times and days now,and my day off wednesdays i just sleep till i wake up naturally which gets me refreshed for thursday and fridays, it seems to be working now i have a good alarm, i just nap in the evenings when needed, and always go to bed at the lastest two hehe
The only time I've ever worn a hat to sleep is when my brother, a few buddies of ours, and I decided to winter-camp overnight on a 300-mile snowmobile trip. Sounds like a dumb idea, but truth be told, if you're someone who is always warm, you will sleep really well with the proper precautions. My biggest complaint of the whole thing was not having a fan to sleep with, which left me to listen to the clicking sound of the tinnitus in my left ear. Personally, give me gym shorts and a t-shirt. I can wake up and go to the corner gas station for a cup of coffee, and all I need are my keys, bank card and a pair of sneakers--out the door in under a minute. Plus, if I ever forget to take out the trash Thursday night, and I hear the garbage truck coming Friday morning, I can dash out and run the trash bags to the curb without offending the neighbors. Luckily enough, the garabge man comes down my street twice, so if he sees something new on the side he already did, he's cool enough to swing over and grab it.
Being a shift worker for many years, and now a bus driver, it is really necessary to have a good sleep routine. I know my limitations about the lack of sleep and have conquered 30+ hours without it, and without any stimulus -artificial or otherwise -in doing that. And I was physically quite ill by that point. Obviously,  I really wanna be well enough rested when I am working.

I find my circadian clock is set to about 3 -4 AM so when I am working and have to rise at 3AM it can be push and shove to get me out the door and to work on time...but these days, as I am working the one kind of shift instead of some crazy rotating roster, I find I am getting sleepy about 8PM and waking at 4AM or so on my days off! My sleeping is usually good, unless there's some underlying illness or noisy neighbours etc. Speaking of which, I owe them an hour of that Evil Robot amp cranked at 10 after the other day's little party that kept me up til 11! Tomorrow, being a public holiday in Australia, I may wake the dead with that little b'stard. :evil4: