
the cardboard guitar is now mostly wood..

Wow, that's some serious cuttin', not sure I could convince myself to do that to such a pretty fretboard.... Nice job...:occasion14:
Blue313 said:
Looks like the abalone survived!

yes it is surviving quite nicely.. I will admit that I am leaving the center just a tad higher on the spaces with the dot markers.
so the scallop is done, unfortuatly one of the dot markers collapsed ( # 17 ) what a wanker... good thing I'm taking my kids surfing this weekend,
should be able to pick up some filler.. and catch some waves :headbang:
DangerousR6 said:
I'm sure there's one to be had somewhere that can fit in it's place...... :dontknow:

the marker has a small hole in the center, I would rather fill it than pull and replace it.. soooooo I go to the beach, have some beer, sun, fun, surf, surf some more.. get some shells. when I get home grind the shells to powder and fill the hole with gods own love (super glue) sand, pollish, pretend it never happened..

the funny thing is I had that fret done with no issues and then decided I wanted it just a little deeper, and as Emmeril would say Bam..
live and learn..
so I can powder up a shell or two for the fret marker fill job no problem, but what would you guys suggest for the glue.. at first I thought super glue but now I'm thinking clear epoxy.. give me some ideas and I'll do a test in the next coupple of days to see what works best..
Replacement inlays, a nice sharp brad point drill bit, and a clear 30 minute epoxy would be ideal.
Following with interest, Bob.
I note Warmoth do their tone chambers longitudinally rather than transversely, like yours, but I guess grp will gove way different tonal character anyway.
So I think I can fake the abolone no prob.. but now that I've messed aroud with the epoxy for a coupple of days I think I'm going for something more personal.  If i'm going to fill it might as well make it cool... maybe a custom one off piece of art..