
The Braveheart LP

Everything really is on order now. Just add to add a few parts from other sources that the big W didn't stock - bridge, tuners, strap buttons etc...
Chris, I wasn't following this thread closely enough, is this Braveheart LP yours? I saw Arabia as in where the body was being shipped to but not the customer name.
Hi Gregg,

Yes it's mine. Rather looking forward to seeing it actually. Exotic looking body travels to exotic sounding destination...
Chris of Arabia said:
Hi Gregg,

Yes it's mine. Rather looking forward to seeing it actually. Exotic looking body travels to exotic sounding destination...
So glad that it went to a board member. Now we'll all get to see it put together!  :headbang:  Who do you jam with in Arabia? Lots of rock clubs?
Gregg said:
So glad that it went to a board member. Now we'll all get to see it put together!  :headbang:

I thought I'd ticked the 'No publicity' box?  :evil4:

Gregg said:
Who do you jam with in Arabia? Lots of rock clubs?

Certainly no clubs as such inside Saudi Arabia, but plenty of places around the edge have live acts on (Bahrain, Emirates, Qatar etc.). I guess I'm largely a bedroom player, but occasionally I'll jam with some of the other guys I work with. Rest assured, this guitar will remain in ultra pristine condition for a long time - I look after my axes.



<Rest assured, this guitar will remain in ultra pristine condition for a long time - I look after my axes.>

Wish I could say the same. We play long and hard, and I cannot seem to ever keep one "pristine".
BB in SC
Ehh.... I used to try my damnedest to keep my guitars in perfect shape. And it worked... But one day I started seeing the battle wounds As "Character".  :guitarplayer2:
Got an email back from Dan today confirming costs and giving me a delivery forecast - his last comment?

"I definitely want to see a picture of this!!"

Chris of Arabia said:
Got an email back from Dan today confirming costs and giving me a delivery forecast - his last comment?

"I definitely want to see a picture of this!!"


so do we.. :headbang1:
Things are coming together...

Strap buttons and jack plate picked up on UK business trip, Stew-Mac have shipped the bridge and tuners, all I need now is something to hang them on...
OK, so things are beginning to come together. The bridge & tuners have arrived this morning and very nice they look too. Just need some delivery details on the bits made out of a tree...
Chris of Arabia said:
OK, so things are beginning to come together. The bridge & tuners have arrived this morning and very nice they look too. Just need some delivery details on the bits made out of a tree...

what neck is going on this axe?
Chris of Arabia said:
OK, so things are beginning to come together. The bridge & tuners have arrived this morning and very nice they look too. Just need some delivery details on the bits made out of a tree...

Sorry for the inconvienence Chris, I had your order redircted to me, in it's place I'm sending you some very rare bit of cedar(see attatched pic below). It will not only rock out but it's very aeromatic too, and termites hate it.... :laughing7: