
"the 9" thread - a pleasant place to converse


Epic Member
Hey guys,

I figured we needed a place to have a civilized conversation. 

Max - heading to school eh?  what's your major?
Greg - how's the new record coming?

we're working on a new record as well - it's been going slow, but some of the tracks are shaping up very well.  Electronic drums rule!  this project would not be possible with out them!


Yep. Doing engineering. Not sure what type of engineering, but it's not as important for the first year or two.

Anything different in this record sound-wise? Axe-fx, right?
A friend of mine got a re-amp unit.  The inverse DI box.  It is very cool for the recording experience.  Not so much as you'd use any part that came from that particular unit, but because you can have it as a standard guitar track and play with amp settings and mic placement.  Or even amps for that matter.  Between the group of people that hang out together, we have quite a harem of amps to try with this unit.  I am coming to the conclusion that we are going to need to bass trap a room soon to get the best/consistent results from the experiments.  Anyhow, as far as the recording process goes, it is a very neat toy.

Yep, I'm running the AxeFX.  Modelers are the way to go for recording IMHO.  re-amp I'm sure is great as well - with the bonus that if you don't like it you can just change it!  very cool.

The only things that will use a mic are vocals and violin.  For vocals I got myself a nice Neumann TLM 102.  It's quite the thing!  really small, but sounds very nice.  Very audible boost at around 6KHz.

Patrick - I've got some information on Bass Traps at home.  If I remember I'll post it.

Mayflown said:
Yep, I'm running the AxeFX.  Modelers are the way to go for recording IMHO.  re-amp I'm sure is great as well - with the bonus that if you don't like it you can just change it!  very cool.

The only things that will use a mic are vocals and violin.  For vocals I got myself a nice Neumann TLM 102.  It's quite the thing!  really small, but sounds very nice.  Very audible boost at around 6KHz.

Patrick - I've got some information on Bass Traps at home.  If I remember I'll post it.

What do you have on the violin? 6k boost should make that Neumann pretty clear.
Ah don't worry about the bass trap info, we have a lot of information on it.  Between friends going to school to be studio engineers, my own personal research quirkiness, and several links online that I have accumulated, I think that there is enough to get at least a grasp on what to do.  I just have to get the free time and will power to start on the project.  The problem is, there are so many different projects that seem to all glitter when I look at them.  Too many shiny objects...  Actually, do send the links if you have them.  Never can have enough...  Thanks.  The re amp has made it a lot of fun to tweak knobs on all of the amps though.  Amazing the difference in what sounds good at home vs with the band.

line6man said:
Am I one of the nine? How can I make the list?

Just get superlizard to ignore you and you're in! 

But then there were 10....  :headbang:
When I get into a 20 year house I hope to have a single purpose mancave space. I intend to do some soundproofing on it. But for now, it's just me and an sm57 and an amp. So... if you have one mic, and it's a 57, and you're pretty much doing electric guitar and vocals - what would your next mic be?
Mayflown said:
line6man said:
Am I one of the nine? How can I make the list?

Just get superlizard to ignore you and you're in! 

But then there were 10....  :headbang:

Cool. But first I need to go post a thread. Why do people use tube amps when a POD is just as good? (Unless you're left handed. I don't care what they do, if you want to be so ridiculous as to play backwards, then I have no respect for your gear choices.)
swarfrat said:
When I get into a 20 year house I hope to have a single purpose mancave space. I intend to do some soundproofing on it. But for now, it's just me and an sm57 and an amp. So... if you have one mic, and it's a 57, and you're pretty much doing electric guitar and vocals - what would your next mic be?

Well, it depends on what for.  For vocals live we've fallen in love with the Audix OM5.  Very flat and neutral sounding, no proximity effect, and super duper hyper cardioid.  Very groovy.

for recording, liking the Neumann so far...  :glasses10:
Patrick from Davis said:
Screw vintage, get the next German made uber gain tube amp.  Tone for days.  Either that or a Rockman.

Ironically I recently sold my original rockman at a garage sale!  I think I got $20 for it. 
Mayflown said:
swarfrat said:
When I get into a 20 year house I hope to have a single purpose mancave space. I intend to do some soundproofing on it. But for now, it's just me and an sm57 and an amp. So... if you have one mic, and it's a 57, and you're pretty much doing electric guitar and vocals - what would your next mic be?

Well, it depends on what for.  For vocals live we've fallen in love with the Audix OM5.  Very flat and neutral sounding, no proximity effect, and super duper hyper cardioid.  Very groovy.

for recording, liking the Neumann so far...  :glasses10:

The Neumann TLM102 has been getting raps from a lot of people who rate it as a good value for buck Neumann, but STILL.......... it is pricey for those on a budget. It's always good to have a decent condenser mic handy to complement the SM57 tho...
Depends on the cost, but a friend has a solid state Rode large diaphragm condenser mic with all of the patterns.  He has found it to be very useful.
