
SURPISE SURPRISE!! My First Thinline!!

tfarny said:
Schmoopy! What did I say about using controversial terms like 'sizzle' here? And I believe that, according to the noted expert Mickey Mouse, Rosewood on Koa does NOT sizzle, in fact it snaps, crackles, and pops. Few can take the crackle, so Mickey doesn't offer this particular combination, and everybody knows that.

well mickey mouse is a leading tone expert, but i prefer the tonal theories of Donald Duck, he may sound like a rambling hot head with a squeak toy stuck in his larynx, but that duck knows tone like Dave knows chipmunks.
It will sizzle my ass off!  :icon_biggrin:

jackthehack said:
That should rock; what are you going to use for P90s?

I took your advise, it will be the Jon Moore's with Alnico 5's, 10k winds at the Neck and 11k winds at the Bridge!
a rambling hot head with a squeak toy stuck in his larynx

If you can't get a vintage squeak toy, there's still a few European museum-grade squeak toys available... I know a guy....

willyk said:
JamesL said:
Really beautiful.... That's the first TL that's made me want to make one

don't forget the strat neck pocket

Was it really called for to bring that up again? lol

I say blame the salesman for that one!

There you go, you definitely have my attention!!!!!!  Love the Brazilian Board, P90’s and the whole concept.  Let us know  how you wire it.  I’d love to hear that out of a vintage tweed amp!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Killer.