
Suck it Trebek


Junior Member
LMAO, what a dick. :toothy12: :toothy12: :toothy12:
Eh.  Not really mocking, IMO.  That's pretty standard.  He laughs when something's funny, and quite often tells the explanation of things when unanswered.
good ol mel, some of the locals around here remember him from before he moved to Australia and eventually became a star of coarse that was 40+ years ago. come to think of it there is an oddly high number of local celebrities in this unknown area of new york state, gibson, de niro(not from here but lives here), armond assante, the OCC guys, tony gilmour(director), james mangold(writer/director), snooky polizzi just to name a few.
Super Turbo Deluxe Custom said:
Eh.  Not really mocking, IMO.  That's pretty standard.  He laughs when something's funny, and quite often tells the explanation of things when unanswered.
I'm not talking about the laughing, it's the abrupt "NO" at the end of it that cracked me up.
haha the "racist comment" is kind of funny, but i think he said "that hurts" more because the dude went from $1000 to $0  :dontknow: