
Steinberger Gearless Tuners


Hi, I've done some searches on the Gearless tuners without too many results. I understand quite a few of you have installed them. What are your thoughts? Any problems?

There's an L5S in the official gallery in misc.guitars that has them. The buttons are on the front of the post, very strange! Don't know if the builder is in the forum :dontknow:
yeah, I've seen the guitar, I'm actually planning to build a l5s myself  :)

It definitely looks different, but I somehow like the look of them. I've never tried any guitars with the tuners installed though, so I'm hoping for some feedback before I decide :)
I think Superbeast or gimmiemytoys has an axe with those tuners, I asked them how they liked 'em and they do...They are non traditional in look but work well, no screws needed to hold em in place
Matters not to me if they're the greatest tuners in history, they're plain old butt ugly.
If they're very good, I could live with the look of them. I don't think they would look bad on the right guitar. I just wanted to get some feedback on them, as I would rather have good working and looking tuners instead of weird looking and bad tuners :) Thanks for your comments!