Steinberger Gearless STRING TREES?!


Junior Member
hi .. well ..

Steinberger gearless tuners - I think they're awesome .. just got a little question - the way the strings go in .. how low do they go?  :icon_tongue: I mean, on staggered tuners they go low to remove the need for a string tree, basically what I mean is: will I need string trees with the steinberger gearless tuners on a regular straight peghead (warmoth strat)?

Thanks - and have a happy new year!  :icon_biggrin:
Laptopkoen said:
Steinberger gearless tuners - I think they're awesome .. just got a little question - the way the strings go in .. how low do they go?  

Bout as low as baggy shorts on a midget.

No trees needed, but like field artillery, they can be used "for effect".