
Stainless Steel Strings


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Has anyone here used SS strings? I didn't even know there was such a thing until a few days ago. Apparently, I need to get out more.

Anyway, I'm curious what you thought of them, and whether you still use them or not. If not, why not?
Ive never used them, but makes me wonder if using SS strings would negate the longer life of SS frets?  :dontknow:
and wear normal ones down even more maybe.
JimBeed said:
and wear normal ones down even more maybe.

i would definitely think so! might be a good idea for those with SS frets, but i'd be worried about my guitars with regular frets. i'd hate to have to get a refret a few years early just because i wanted to experiment with some string types...
You do need to get out more :laughing7:

I've been using SS strings since the latter half of 2006. Nickel strings started making my fingertips itch and I didn't want that to progress any further, so I made the switch. I'm currently using in-house .011's from a music store in town, they are without a doubt the finest strings I've ever played. When I got my Swede in spring 2008, it started eating my Fender stainless strings (.010's) like there was no tomorrow, one pack per day and no other options at the time. The new ones sound amazing and I haven't snapped a single one in two years of playing. I'm not the bendy type, but that's still good value!

They are harder on frets, though. Oh well, better than getting a damn allergy :icon_thumright:
If you are a corrosive type (you know what I mean) they do last somewhat longer - more important for bassists, I think. They do munch on frets somewhat faster, but there's a wide variance between how hard people press down - you don't need to press very hard except for caveman-style vibrato! I don't like them too much because of tonal reasons - I already run my rigs with treble to spare so I can turn it up or down as needed, but with brand-new SS strings - wowee. WOWEE... :laughing3:
line6man said:
Cagey said:
I didn't even know there was such a thing until a few days ago.

Really? :icon_scratch:

Yeah. I went through a phase a long time ago trying a jillion different brands, and settled on D'Addario. Never looked back or to the sides, just always order the same things.
kboman said:
You do need to get out more :laughing7:

I've been using SS strings since the latter half of 2006. Nickel strings started making my fingertips itch and I didn't want that to progress any further, so I made the switch. I'm currently using in-house .011's from a music store in town, they are without a doubt the finest strings I've ever played. When I got my Swede in spring 2008, it started eating my Fender stainless strings (.010's) like there was no tomorrow, one pack per day and no other options at the time. The new ones sound amazing and I haven't snapped a single one in two years of playing. I'm not the bendy type, but that's still good value!

They are harder on frets, though. Oh well, better than getting a damn allergy :icon_thumright:

Glad to hear all that. I'm not worried about my frets - everything has either SS or "gold" (which is supposed to be nearly as hard) frets on it, so they can take some abuse.
stubhead said:
If you are a corrosive type (you know what I mean) they do last somewhat longer...

I don't like them too much because of tonal reasons - I already run my rigs with treble to spare so I can turn it up or down as needed, but with brand-new SS strings - wowee. WOWEE... :laughing3:

I'm not the corrosive type at all. In fact, I often change strings just because it's time, not because they really need changing. I found out years ago that fresh strings are a wonderful thing. They're cheap, they sound good, and you're not running on borrowed time with them staying in one piece.

I am curious about the brightness, though. Others have mentioned that, too. We'll find out tomorrow or Friday, I guess.
Cagey said:
I am curious about the brightness, though. Others have mentioned that, too. We'll find out tomorrow or Friday, I guess.

I play an all mahogany dual humbucker Gibson-scale guitar, so I have no problem with a little more zing. :)
I've used SS string for a while...

  • Harder tension
  • Brighter sound
    • More pick attack
    • More output because SS are more magnetic than nickel
    • You don't need to stretch them as much
    • More fretwear
    • They might last longer, don't know, thats more up to the player who plays, dirty sweaty hands = Shorter life for any strings, that makes it hard to know which type of strings that lasts longer, it's completely individual

Conclusion, they work very good if you want a brighter sound, the difference is quite big if you go from lets say 10's in nickel to 9's in SS, if you go from 11' nickel to 9's in SS the difference is huge IMO. They sound great for metal I think because of the brighter sound and the wound strings get a more edgy sound which is very desirable when playing heavy metal.

Beware, D'Addario 10's SS have much harder tension than nicekl string from the same brand, atleast thats how I feel. Try them out and you'll see.
They have a nice bell-like tone,  'may be a bit too bright for some players. They also eat up fingers and frets.