
Speaking of Warmoth as a Ghost builder....

AutoBat said:
Anyone else notice that the TOM was slapped on over a 6 string-thru design?

What's up with that?
(pic included in case the auction page goes away)

It's because the original guitar started as a normal tele before Seymour modded it for Jeff by putting the TOM on it, the original started with strings-thru
Tempest said:
AutoBat said:
Anyone else notice that the TOM was slapped on over a 6 string-thru design?

What's up with that?
(pic included in case the auction page goes away)

It's because the original guitar started as a normal tele before Seymour modded it for Jeff by putting the TOM on it, the original started with strings-thru

And this, of course, is not the original, poorly modded guitar.  I don't see any reason to replicate the unused string through holes left behind when you stick a TOM bridge on a Tele, unless you were going for a reliced copy of the original.
line6man said:
Tempest said:
AutoBat said:
Anyone else notice that the TOM was slapped on over a 6 string-thru design?

What's up with that?
(pic included in case the auction page goes away)

It's because the original guitar started as a normal tele before Seymour modded it for Jeff by putting the TOM on it, the original started with strings-thru

And this, of course, is not the original, poorly modded guitar.  I don't see any reason to replicate the unused string through holes left behind when you stick a TOM bridge on a Tele, unless you were going for a reliced copy of the original.

Not saying I think its a good idea.  Just seems like a bit of a novelty, I don't see how it would necessarily hurt the guitar either
as a side note, and back to the original thread, seems to me that this guitar was more likely built by Larivee - as per the text of the description:

"A collaborative project between Seymour W. Duncan, Seymour Duncan's resident luthier and Vice President of Products Frank Falbo, and the revered guitar builders at Larrivee"

"...premier materials and finish of contemporary handcrafted lutherie. Woods are hand-selected from Jean Larrivee's choicest inventory. Fretting, nut work and final set-up are performed by Frank Falbo."

I hadn't realized that the guys at Larivee were all that revered but there you have it. It's written right there on the internet so it must be true.  I thought the good people at Larivee only built acoustics but what do I know.
We did not build the SD guitars those were indeed built by Larviee. We did build them some parts that were going to be used for pickup testing but I'm sure that they will never be seen in a magazine since they are working guitars and not show guitars.

elgravos said:
I thought the good people at Larivee only built acoustics but what do I know.

No idea about their current output, but they certainly did back in the 80s. They made some of the first Kramer Paul Dean models:


And they had their own version that had a similar look:

elgravos said:
as a side note, and back to the original thread, seems to me that this guitar was more likely built by Larivee - as per the text of the description:

"A collaborative project between Seymour W. Duncan, Seymour Duncan's resident luthier and Vice President of Products Frank Falbo, and the revered guitar builders at Larrivee"

"...premier materials and finish of contemporary handcrafted lutherie. Woods are hand-selected from Jean Larrivee's choicest inventory. Fretting, nut work and final set-up are performed by Frank Falbo."

I hadn't realized that the guys at Larivee were all that revered but there you have it. It's written right there on the internet so it must be true.  I thought the good people at Larivee only built acoustics but what do I know.

Revered - well, your mileage may vary, but I've never played a Larrivee that wasn't a solid axe.  Didn't fill me with reverence, but if I had dough to drop on a higher-end-ish acoustic, I'd put them in the shootout.

THey also did a line of custom electrics in the '80s - I think the guy in Loverboy was an endorser.  Now they're doing some set-neck axes that look pretty similar to Tom Anderson's take on a Les Paul, and probably some other electrics as well.
stubhead said:
The smelly stuff you pump into your truck is just dino-rot. And a bunch of rotting dino food, and rotting once-live stuff. Come to think of it, after a million years it's probably about done rotting. I like creeping around really old places, most places even in the U.S. you can find out about who lived there way, way before you - the coastlines stay mostly the same, so a good bay or fishing spot has been that way for thousands of years - and thousands of people. Just in the past few decades, they've jacked the estimate of the number of American Indians from a few million to forty or fifty million - that smallpox and measles worked way better, and way faster, than anyone had even realized.

maybe, maybe not

there is an alternate theory that oils is formed in the mantel. i mean for so much life to exist on this planet and not anywhere else is bulk that we can tell there must have been a large quantity of hydrocarbons to start with.  kinda like the chicken or egg question but totally different.


another related theory is that natural gas is formed when a subsurface bacteria feeds on this oil.