
Something on the bench

DangerousR6 said:
I like it just the way it is.... :headbang:
vetteman said:
Me too!  Please don't relic it!

Ok Guys, I hear ya. And I have come to agree. The only thing I've really done so far is add some tint to the binding, no major changes are planned.
The tailpiece in the pictures was made for a guitar with a body at least 2 1/2 in. thick. This body is a shade less than 1 3/4, so I had to trim off the mounting plate for the tailpiece. That meant the chrome was gone at that point. So I made the whole thing look like the chrome was worn and scuffed from years of use. This lead to my considering extending the look to the body. But I've sobered up since then.
I guess I could get a different tail piece, but for some reason I really like that one...................... :headbang:

justcurious, could you use an ebony one like that or is it incompatible
teleme01 said:

justcurious, could you use an ebony one like that or is it incompatible

.Thanks for the suggestion. Something like that would certainly be compatible, as the tom style roller bridge I have would work with it. I'm currently debating making a wooden one myself. I have chunks of walnut, maple and leopardwood that I could choose from. Or get one like that....................... :icon_scratch:
PhilHill said:
teleme01 said:

justcurious, could you use an ebony one like that or is it incompatible

.Thanks for the suggestion. Something like that would certainly be compatible, as the tom style roller bridge I have would work with it. I'm currently debating making a wooden one myself. I have chunks of walnut, maple and leopardwood that I could choose from. Or get one like that....................... :icon_scratch:
Ziricote.... Just as hard as ebony, but way cooler...:icon_thumright:
Back where We left off. Ordered a Nickel Tailpiece I found, but a short one for a guitar less than 2 in. thick means that unless your making a Rick, picken's are slim as they say. Decided to try making a wooden one anyway just for fun. Hard maple with some flame in it. A possible pickguard too.....



. Still have work to do on both of them. We'll see what happens.................. :turtle:
Awesome start! As of right now, I kinda dig the metal tailpiece more. But you never know.
made me curious about how to make a bridge so i was googling,  and found this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CyI5okilB9A
think i would probably just buy one,  cudos to you for making one by hand.
Thanks for the feedback Folks. I'm waiting for the tailpiece I ordered to get here so I can get an idea of what will lay out best. The maple piece will be kept around and further refined. Who know's, I may figure out what I'm doing in time to finish this thing....................... :turtle: :dontknow: :turtle: :dontknow: :headbang:
Well, there has been progress. Whether or not it's good progress is a matter that I'll leave for Philosophers and Steve Harvey to debate. Point is, I've gotten some stuff done....


. In order to avoid a neck angle of more than 1degree, I decided to sink the bridge into the top a little. It's all solid under that area, so it won't hurt.


. I'm still on the fence about the new tailpiece, so we'll just keep looking in case there's something better out there.


.Going with Hipshot closed back locking tuners, cause, well, their Hipshot.


,Found some LP style pickup rings in a box, and an idea for a pickguard.


. Still have to drill some holes, the output and the controls, but things are slowly getting there. Then it's on to starting the final finish. ................ :headbang:
Guitar looking great! I like the new tailpiece and bridgework.
quote: . In order to avoid a neck angle of more than 1degree, I decided to sink the bridge into the top a little. It's all solid under that area, so it won't hurt.

how did you know how deep to sink the bridge ?
teleme01 said:
quote: . In order to avoid a neck angle of more than 1degree, I decided to sink the bridge into the top a little. It's all solid under that area, so it won't hurt.

how did you know how deep to sink the bridge ?

Partly guess work, but mainly by laying a straight edge on top of the frets and seeing where that line hits the bridge. Then measuring from the point of intersect to the top of the bridge. It's not precision, but it get's you in the ballpark........... :icon_thumright:
Looks sharp Phill, I believe I like that trap better than the first one, not so in your face, very subtle... :headbang4:
Whoa there Phil! Slow it down, where's the fire? You don't wanna complete the guitar too soon do ya? I mean, I would maybe try for sometime mid June or so. :evil4: :icon_jokercolor: :laughing7:
Spud said:
Whoa there Phil! Slow it down, where's the fire? You don't wanna complete the guitar too soon do ya? I mean, I would maybe try for sometime mid June or so. :evil4: :icon_jokercolor: :laughing7:

LoL. Don't worry, it'll probably be June sometime before I can even begin the finish. The weather around here isn't suitable for finishing yet and I don't have the option of controlling the environment in my shop that well............... :turtle: