
Somebody PLEASE buy this!!! Save me!!!

I agree, some guitars look better with no pickguard, and if you are going to drop some coin on a fancy top, the pickguard seems out of place.  On the other hand, a Strat just doesn't look like a Strat without a pickguard.  It can still be a beautiful instrument, but it just doesn't look/feel like a Strat.  Also, I have always thought the Jaguar looks great largely because of its big pickguard and assortment of chrome plates. 
I say we just keep bumping this thread until he either buys it or his head explodes.

mscmkr said:
Is this tele body a Warmoth????????
Yip it's a Warmoth body, seen it in the gallery a while back and remembered about the stunning top it has on it......almost looks like the ocean........
tfarny said:
Dangerous is right. You just need the control plate. Look at the photo on the first page. It would be a crime to have a pickguard on that body.

+1 that


This is one of mine with a canary top. Apart from the bridge routing the body is identical to the subject body.
willyk said:
tfarny said:
Dangerous is right. You just need the control plate. Look at the photo on the first page. It would be a crime to have a pickguard on that body.

+1 that


This is one of mine with a canary top. Apart from the bridge routing the body is identical to the subject body.
Nice........ :icon_thumright: