
Slide vs Bend Fretwire

Max said:
Jusatele said:
IN MUSIC, on a guitar, the proper word for a Slide or a hammeron/pull off is a SLUR. it is not a increase with out steps, in fact it recognizes the steps, Glissado is the term for a slide up the neck of a fretted instrument and recognizes the steps it is limited to. Portamento is the term for the slide carriage of the tone from one point to the next without steps in the tone. It can not be done on a fretted instrument while fretting, it can be done on unfretted instruments and certain wind instruments.
So the word for the slide he describes is a Slur, it is a Glissado, but it is not a gradual tonal increase without intervals.
In my mind, I differentiate my actions playing the guitar, and the notation for it. On the guitar, I'll call it a slide. When I play trumpet, I'll call it a slur. Might not be entirely correct as far as naming convention goes, but it works for me.

I will agree with Max, the last time I was told to slur I was playing the trumpet.  I knew what the OP was talking about and I would have to say that 6105 "medium jumbo" would suit his needs best.  I am better at sliding than bending as well, so I chose 6105 on my build in progress as well.  Fretless is a true slide as well as playing bottleneck on a fretted guitar, but every guitarist I know refers to it as just "slide"  Medium jumbo should allow you to slide up the neck quickly and smoothly without feeling like speed bumps, and be generaly good for bending, chording, and soloing.  As a trumpet player its as if it only plays intervals like a fretted guitar, while a trombone can slide anywhere in between like a fretless.  I think the term "slide" refers more to what you are doing with your fingers than what you are doing with the notes.  It may not be proper, but that's the way I would rather associate it.
Jusatele said:
Do not get me started on all of the mistakes in Tab. It is a way to teach see this play this and does it well, but it is not a way to teach music. If you want to learn a language, do you want to be fluent or just to be able to get by, Tab is being able to get by, you need to learn much more to be fluent.

Tab is a good way to get into guitar, but eventually it is good to learn to read sheet music too.  Guitar Pro does both, and I am using it right now to learn to read music better.  But, as I said before, it uses the term "slide" because most people have never heard the term "slur" used to describe what that is.  I mean, does it really matter that much?  Language is constantly changing.  It could be called something totally different 100 years from now. 

Also, you can bend a note on a tin whistle.  The action is nothing like on a guitar, but it bends the pitch.  I always thought a bend on a guitar was called a bend because you bend the string.  It's the same with a slide.  You're making a sliding motion on the neck, so "slide" makes sense. 
I was just clarifying something,  the use of the word Glissando
it and Portamento are used back and forth as each other, but in actuality are 2 different words
Yes we guitarist call a it a slide, but to lay the base for the Glissando explanation I corrected it MUSICALLY,
Now go argue what it is called in SLANG to a guitarist.
The problem here the OP did use the word Glissando correctly, I at first could not figure out what he was getting at, use of a virbrato Bar, Glissando, sliding into a note, none of it made since till I saw him play on his video, Then I saw what he was trying to say, and I posted 6105s would work for him well.
Sudennly the thread was all about slide glissando and what you can do on a fretted instrument, so I laid out the proper definition of the terms. That is all,
Like i said, go argue the slang, Musically the definitions are stated.
hannaugh said:
Jusatele said:
Do not get me started on all of the mistakes in Tab. It is a way to teach see this play this and does it well, but it is not a way to teach music. If you want to learn a language, do you want to be fluent or just to be able to get by, Tab is being able to get by, you need to learn much more to be fluent.

Tab is a good way to get into guitar, but eventually it is good to learn to read sheet music too.  Guitar Pro does both, and I am using it right now to learn to read music better.  But, as I said before, it uses the term "slide" because most people have never heard the term "slur" used to describe what that is.  I mean, does it really matter that much?  Language is constantly changing.  It could be called something totally different 100 years from now. 

Also, you can bend a note on a tin whistle.  The action is nothing like on a guitar, but it bends the pitch.  I always thought a bend on a guitar was called a bend because you bend the string.  It's the same with a slide.  You're making a sliding motion on the neck, so "slide" makes sense. 
If you were learning from a method book, the word Slur would be introduced in the first 6 lessons. somewhere between learning the notes of the first position and going from the key of c to to the key of g
I am not trying to argue anything here, just pointing something out
If you learn to read music from a Method book a lot of terms and theory come at you as you need it, or when a technique is introduced, you also learn about music and theory as you apply it so it becomes natural to you, like learning to read your language.
Now will learning to read notation make you a better guitarist? I can not answer that as that depends on how much you practice, there are guys who know very little about theory that can play the guitar like they invented it. and guys who know theory backward and forward who can only pound out a few chords.
Like I said, I was clearing up the terms being used, in correct terminology, the slang we all use is just that.
You can call a jail a hoosgow all day long, but it is still  jail.
hannaugh said:
Who's arguing?  I'll buy you a beer next time you're in Fullerton.   :occasion14:
Damn, I just finished a project in OC this summer, was going through Fullerton twice a day
next project is in Murrieta :dontknow:
Jusatele said:
I was just clarifying something,  the use of the word Glissando
it and Portamento are used back and forth as each other, but in actuality are 2 different words

Thank you. I kept waiting for someone to mention that a glass or metal slide would be portamento... :icon_smile:

Already ordered the neck with SS6105. Yes I am excited. Thank you for the feedback.
hannaugh said:
Who's arguing?  I'll buy you a beer next time you're in Fullerton.   :occasion14:

Will you buy me a beer if I drive out to Fullerton?

*I prefer extremely expensive scotch, though. I'm sure you won't mind buying me that instead.
I read this thread very early on , and I knew exactly what he was talking about when he used the term glissando,  I can't believe so many of you are making a big deal about it.

I for one think thats the best term to use, and no I don't care about anyones atom splitting definition,

the OP had like 6 posts and what a way to welcome him to the forum by picking his wording apart
Alfang said:
I read this thread very early on , and I knew exactly what he was talking about when he used the term glissando,  I can't believe so many of you are making a big deal about it.

I for one think thats the best term to use, and no I don't care about anyones atom splitting definition,

the OP had like 6 posts and what a way to welcome him to the forum by picking his wording apart

Frankly, I could care less about wording.
What I'm trying to understand is what the OP is talking about.

Apparently he wants to shift his pitch by sliding up and down the neck instead of doing bends, but that does not make any sense, because doing that on a fretted instrument just takes you from one pitch straight to the next. Only removing the frets or playing slide-guitar would allow you to simulate a bend by sliding up and down the neck.
Sliding up and down the fingerboard is a very common technique. Perhaps not as cliche as bending, but still rather common.
line6man said:
hannaugh said:
Who's arguing?  I'll buy you a beer next time you're in Fullerton.   :occasion14:

Will you buy me a beer if I drive out to Fullerton?

*I prefer extremely expensive scotch, though. I'm sure you won't mind buying me that instead.

I don't know about Scotch, but I'd buy you guys beers if you came down to Fullerton.  My favorite pub is a 2 minute walk from the Fender Museum.
hannaugh said:
line6man said:
hannaugh said:
Who's arguing?  I'll buy you a beer next time you're in Fullerton.   :occasion14:

Will you buy me a beer if I drive out to Fullerton?

*I prefer extremely expensive scotch, though. I'm sure you won't mind buying me that instead.

I don't know about Scotch, but I'd buy you guys beers if you came down to Fullerton.  My favorite pub is a 2 minute walk from the Fender Museum.
Darnit, that means I'd need to get there in 3 years, one hour, and 15 minutes. And by then, you may not be there :P
Max said:
hannaugh said:
line6man said:
hannaugh said:
Who's arguing?  I'll buy you a beer next time you're in Fullerton.   :occasion14:

Will you buy me a beer if I drive out to Fullerton?

*I prefer extremely expensive scotch, though. I'm sure you won't mind buying me that instead.

I don't know about Scotch, but I'd buy you guys beers if you came down to Fullerton.  My favorite pub is a 2 minute walk from the Fender Museum.
Darnit, that means I'd need to get there in 3 years, one hour, and 15 minutes. And by then, you may not be there :P

I wonder what your alcohol-induced forum postings would be like?
line6man said:
Max said:
hannaugh said:
line6man said:
hannaugh said:
Who's arguing?  I'll buy you a beer next time you're in Fullerton.   :occasion14:

Will you buy me a beer if I drive out to Fullerton?

*I prefer extremely expensive scotch, though. I'm sure you won't mind buying me that instead.

I don't know about Scotch, but I'd buy you guys beers if you came down to Fullerton.  My favorite pub is a 2 minute walk from the Fender Museum.
Darnit, that means I'd need to get there in 3 years, one hour, and 15 minutes. And by then, you may not be there :P

I wonder what your alcohol-induced forum postings would be like?
have some cask strength McCallahn here in riverside, 12 year. Get it before it is gone
hannaugh said:
line6man said:
hannaugh said:
Who's arguing?  I'll buy you a beer next time you're in Fullerton.   :occasion14:

Will you buy me a beer if I drive out to Fullerton?

*I prefer extremely expensive scotch, though. I'm sure you won't mind buying me that instead.

I don't know about Scotch, but I'd buy you guys beers if you came down to Fullerton.  My favorite pub is a 2 minute walk from the Fender Museum.
you mean the Brew Club across the street? good beer there and Good pizza too
It's a rite of passage. If you can't survive being a freshman, what good are you? <grin>

I'm kidding, of course. We should make everyone feel welcome, otherwise the place will deteriorate quickly due to inbreeding, which is NFG.