It's not compulsory anymore. I joined because I wanted a different year, and a "break" from normal life.
I've learned to become independent and lots of other important things in life.
Nowadays, we get a letter that tells us that we have to meet at a certain military office at a certain time, to get a brief about the different military departments and battalions we have the oppurtunity to choose between. We also go thru a health check, and they do an evaluation of our mathematic skills, logical thinking, physical- and psycholagical strength. The results determines if you are eligible for the army.
If you have other plans in life, or if you are a passifist (against weapons, and the whole army thing) - you are free to choose not to join.
I joined His Majesty The Kings Guard. A seremonial and opperative battalion, which is highly trained in parade, close quarter combat, escorte missions, and guarding and patrolling.
The norwegian army also educate one of the best special forces in the world. How we are able to do that?
Training in extreme conditions. Norway has one of the toughest envoirnments in the world, during winter.
This is not the special forces. This is some of the training guys like me got during one year of military service.
Notice the avalance training at 0:45 - there is actually two soldiers beneath the explosives that triggers the avalance - and YES they were burried by it.
As you can see - the training we get, is pretty tough. I lost 36.7 pounds in 6 months.
These are part-time soldiers - normal persons with normal jobs - which trains together a couple of times each month. These are not career soldiers.
So yes - I guess you can call the norwegian army dangerous. But hey - we're on the same side, guys!
Whenever usmc are in trouble - they call in norwegian SOF.
and that's me!