
September 2013 Guitar of the Month Constest Submissions

Here's what the original post says:

"As usual, all discussion for the submissions can take place below, along with other pictures hosted by the poster."

No other criterion about whether the pics are on another site or here is specified, nor is a time frame for when said pics should be posted is specified. I think I'm playing by the rules as stated, and as they have been applied in the past.

Apparently some people think I'm cheating. Am I? I'll happily delete my pics if it'll make people happy. Edit- I've gone ahead and deleted them and will respect the opinions of everyone else about whether to repost them. They're on Dropbox, I can just provide linky links if that makes people happy. I want people to be happy! Happy people are more inclined to vote for my happy green guitar.
sduck said:
Here's what the original post says:

"As usual, all discussion for the submissions can take place below, along with other pictures hosted by the poster."

No other criterion about whether the pics are on another site or here is specified,
Just my 2 cents worth.
As I read it the additional pics need to be hosted outside the gom thread unless you host(own) the gom thread , this could mean links to build or other uw threads as suggested by updown or links to pic hosting sites or indeed to your computer if you so wished..

As to the posting of all submissions at once, I havent noticed any trend thats favours early submissions
Just to clarify … I never said you or anyone was cheating in anyway.

Just in 3 years i've never seen other pic's added in this GOTM thread.
Usually people add a link to the build or link to finished pic's on the forum here.
OR … links to other hosting sites P/Bucket etc etc.

That way they get to see your build process or lots & lots of other great finished pic's of your green machine beauty.

I really don't think the word  …. Cheating is viable in anyway here.

Cheers guys  :icon_thumright:
As others have said: It's a great idea to enter all candidates at once at the end of the submission period... Cool, even if it was not intentional..!

Some more pics of that lonely P bass in the competition. It's tough being an old fashioned P bass in this competitive world of guitar playing, and guitar voting, forum members  :glasses10:  http://www.unofficialwarmoth.com/index.php?topic=22411.0
SustainerPlayer said:
It normally means unnecessary trouble when you start to over think this. Just saying.

My thinking exactly. It's not like I'm potentially losing money or sleep or anything.

My pics are hosted elsewhere, and there is a build thread but the last time I looked for it I couldn't find it. So instead of throwing img tags around them here are the links. Most internet savvy people would prefer the links with img tags around them, to eliminate potential problems, but since people here don't seem to want that, here they are -

Great bunch of entries again folks! Very Nice!

wombi8 said:
Just my 2 cents worth.
As I read it the additional pics need to be hosted outside the gom thread unless you host(own) the gom thread , this could mean links to build or other uw threads as suggested by updown or links to pic hosting sites or indeed to your computer if you so wished..
Hosting refers to which server the picture file is actually located on. So, it could be on a server at DropBox or Photobucket, etc., shown in the thread and still meet the "letter of the law" or rule in this case. So, I see nothing wrong with sduck posting additional pictures here!
By the way, Great Strat there sduck!! :occasion14:

As for posting the entries all at the same time... I don't think in makes any difference and don't think anyone can show any definitive evidence that it does. I kinda get the feeling like, "Hey, it's just friendly competition, so why over think it?" But, I don't have a problem if everyone else wants to do it that way.

I do need some help understanding what is meant by "b.  The ability of contestants to enter or not enter based on the month's other entries."  ??? Does that mean if there are already too many Telecasters then someone's entry might not be accepted? Sorry if I'm a little dense. :dontknow:

Anyway, I'm just here to have fun and maybe learn a few things! My suggestion would be, just relax and enjoy all the great guitar ideas others come up with! I mean there is a hot SG this month and you know I love Pete's Corvette, and there a 2-tone Tele... I just love Red and Gray together, and an awesome bass with a sexy Pau Ferro neck, and a double arm load of very, very nice Strats and...
And, here is the link the build thread for my Big Red Strat.
Ddbltrbl said:
I do need some help understanding what is meant by "b.  The ability of contestants to enter or not enter based on the month's other entries."  ??? Does that mean if there are already too many Telecasters then someone's entry might not be accepted? Sorry if I'm a little dense. :dontknow:

It just means that I, for instance, could have decided not to enter if MortenB's P-bass and updown's Strat were already showing and I felt they were too much competition for me.
Hmmm, didn't mean for this to be legalistic.

Of course posting your own additional pictures is fine.  There's short room on Photobucket, so don't expect other pictures to be added there, but you can start or use your own photo-hosting site.

The question really wasn't spelled out clearly enough, so lets see if this works.

Going forward, if the submissions are all posted at one time, should user's own pictures be allowed in the submission thread before the deadline for submissions has happened (by way of the all-at-once posting of the submissions)?

To me, its a no brainer, and my answer is that folks should use some courtesy and refrain from posting additional images and such, until the submissions are posted in the thread.

But, as always, trying to keep things fair and easy going is a objective.  The idea is to have some fun with it, not to get mired down in rule legalities. 

Hows that sit with you folks?
GOM said:
Going forward, if the submissions are all posted at one time, should user's own pictures be allowed in the submission thread before the deadline for submissions has happened (by way of the all-at-once posting of the submissions)?

To me, its a no brainer, and my answer is that folks should use some courtesy and refrain from posting additional images and such, until the submissions are posted in the thread. 

You guys are making this way too complicated.

What if you have an ongoing build thread where the guitar is clearly about done? A lot of pictures will have been posted already, just not in the submission thread.

One could pretend you're never going to enter it, I suppose, or it could be so ordered, if you want to condone lying.

What if there's a slip, and somebody says they're going to enter X guitar, or another member recommends that they do? Do they get banned for building a guitar and illustrating the process on a guitar building site?

Let the legal eagles split hairs; means nothing.

If one doesn't feel like they have a competitive entry, they don't need to enter. This isn't Little League T-Ball, where everybody gets a trophy no matter what.

Leave the rules alone. Post guitars/basses as they're entered. If people have threads where the instrument is better illustrated, let them link to them. After a few days, everybody votes for their favorite. Congrats all around, champagne from slippers, picture goes in the corner for a month. Easy as pie.
I think part of what's going on here is you guys never told us you were testing the new format this month.  Once the first "where are all the submissions?" question was posted, someone should've said "We're posting everything at once this month, please wait to add your own pics/links."
telecutie said:
Wow!  There's a LOT of knit-picking here... A lot of beautiful guitars (and a bass), too.

No kidding. This is just a fun contest not a UN meeting.  :icon_tongue:
Cagey said:
This isn't Little League T-Ball, where everybody gets a trophy no matter what.

Unless you make one for a losing submission yourself (twice)!  :headbang1:
THere's an old joke in academia:

Q:  Why are academic politics so vicious?

A:  Because the stakes are so low.

To me the only real "cheating" you can have here is if someone enters a pro finish in an owner finished month or something like that.

Otherwise if someone does something perceived as too close to the line on something I suspect it would scare off as many potential votes here as it might gain.

Now which of these beauties to vote for?
No offense to any guitars submitted this month, but that baby blue Tele is going to have a hard time losing.
Apparently backup restoration is in progress.  The brought enough online to make the forum work, but it's not all caught up.

Or maybe they deleted from imageshack or whoever's hosting those photos.  I dunno.