While googling for info on parts, I came across this site. It is amazing to say the least. It won't cover every possible body/color/configuration, but it can give you a pretty good idea of what that dream axe will look like when you get done. I am a programmer by trade, so I am not always easily impressed by the free applications I encounter on the web - this is a most notable exception.
Warmoth should talk to this guy. After configuring a few guitars I'm ready to pull the trigger on several after having finally seen what they will look like.
Go to this site:
And then select the KISEKAE Virtual Guitar Modeling System link.
Warmoth should talk to this guy. After configuring a few guitars I'm ready to pull the trigger on several after having finally seen what they will look like.
Go to this site:
And then select the KISEKAE Virtual Guitar Modeling System link.