
sealing the control rout


Junior Member
I think I have applying the true oil to may bass but I read somewhere( I think on the forum but I am not sure I did  so much reading before I started this project) that true oil or the filler sealer if used in the control rout will cause the shielding tape not to stick. So my question is what do people use to seal the control rout?
klangster said:
I think I have applying the true oil to may bass but I read somewhere( I think on the forum but I am not sure I did  so much reading before I started this project) that true oil or the filler sealer if used in the control rout will cause the shielding tape not to stick. So my question is what do people use to seal the control rout?

If you're really dead set on shielding your cavity (who knows, maybe it will make a difference), the copper shielding tape is sticky enough to survive in the comparatively benign environs of a sealed/finished cavity.  It's not like it rains in there or anything, or has heavy foot traffic.  Alternatively, you could use the conductive shielding paint.
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