
Screwing issues...


Hero Member

In my haste, I stripped the phillips threading from one of my Kluson 6-inline vintage tuner screws. I cannot screw it in or out. Its completely worn. :(

How the hell do I fix this f**k up? 


Ted  :icon_thumright:
To get it out, either grab the head with a pair of needle nose pliers and carefully turn it out while gently pulling, or use a pair of diagonal cutting pliers to put a little pressure under the head of the screw while turning with a screwdriver.

After you get it out you will need to drill the hole and glue a wood dowel into the hole. Drill bit size coresponding to dowel size of course. There are some very small dowels sizes available at the hardware store. Carefully make the dowel flush with the head, then redrill hole the correct size for the screw.

I have done this to an entire set of tuners that I changed out and you cannot even tell that the holes were doweled.

Good Luck!

tfarny said:
I thought this post would be more interesting, given the title.

I'm sorry to dissapoint, but on a positive note I got it sorted, dremels are v. useful.  :toothy12:
The reason I got into this mess was because the hole I was trying to screw into was too small... and yes I used lubrication...

I think I need a bigger drill bit.  :icon_thumright:
Ted said:
The reason I got into this mess was because the hole I was trying to screw into was too small... and yes I used lubrication...

I think I need a bigger drill bit.   :icon_thumright:

Don't we all.