Alfang said:
These are all funny, but back to the tree huggers for a sec, I would love for that to have ended with a tree falling down and crushing them to death.
Talk about people with no real purpose, those tears are all forced, and they are simply trying to impress their equally dumb tree hugger friends.
I'd love to smack them with a nice chunk of louisville slugger ash, but that's just me. ( I do know better than to do that in case you wonder, But I like to think about it)
I had an overwhelming urge to go cut down a tree after watching the video.
I went out to the garage and dug out a piece of wood...
I carefully cut it out to the shape of an ass paddle on the bandsaw, savoring every tooth's cut into the wood as the blade turned...
I took my crude paddle over to the drill press, and went wild drilling holes through the face of the board to lower it's wind resistance as it strikes you.
Each time the drill bit pressed down, mutilating the wood with perfect circular openings, I began to giggle and moan.
I then took the paddle over to the belt sander, and delighted with pleasure, watched as the rough sandpaper chewed away at the wood until it was perfectly smooth and shaped.
I then pulled out the blow torch and burned the wood until it turned a deep black color, savoring the rich smell as it smoked.
I then drowned the paddle in laquer and let it hang to dry.
And with this wooden ass paddle, I will find the tree huggers, and I will paddle them!
Ok wow, that sounded really, really demented, didn't it? :toothy12:
Max, what was the name of your psychiatrist again? You know, the one that helped you get past your bedwetting issues?