Sanding Binding


I'm going to be getting started on a tung-oil project soon, and am curious what to do with the binding during the preparation sanding and the sanding between coats. I'm assuming the oil itself will wipe right off the binding without effect. Can you sand right over the binding or will it scuff it up? If the latter, is it more of a pain to carefully avoid the binding, or just taping it off? Ideas?

I do not have any specific experience with tung oil, but it is not just for bringing out wood grain.  It also protects the guitar.  The binding would need to be covered in tung oil as well as the body.  You don't want to leave the binding unprotected.  As far as sanding the binding, as long as you are using a finish sand paper I beleive you would be fine as long as your binding is wood and not some sort of plastic or something.