Routing a Prepainted Body


Junior Member
Hey gang, it's about time for another build and I'm wanting to do something with a Floyd bridge. Since the prepainted bodies in the showcase are probably the better way to go right now, I'm wondering how well the paint holds up around the edges of the rout. The only painted body I've got was routed first and then painted so it's perfect. I know the natural wood color will be underneath but I'm just concerned about chipping. Thanks.
I've done this a bunch of times (b-benders).  Make sure that your router bit is really sharp, go slow, and it will be fine.  The finish just kinda melts around the edge and turns out clean.
It can work, painters tape just outside the perimeter of the lines should help with chipping. Another option is a flush mount trem. Floyd Rose makes one. I actually prefer the stability of a flush mount trem.