Right Hand Reverse Strat Bodies

Cagey said:
As I recall, Jimi only played them because it was much harder to get the right thing in those days. It was a major compromise for him. I'm sure everyone's heard the stories of him going into music stores and just randomly picking a few Strats off the wall and buying them. Very much a "shut up 'n' play yer guitar" kind of guy, rather than going through all kinds of gyrations to get something "just right" so he could get "his tone".

This is pretty much my attutude towards playing.
Cagey said:
Jumble Jumble said:
And Cagey, there's no code in the Facebook website that could demand from the browser that it interface with your OS to get access to system files and directories. If there were such a piece of code that could be written, it would be considered a huge security problem in the browser - not the site. What browser are you using?

You're kidding, right? There are probably about 3 - 4 billion people who either wish that were true, or are currently under surveillance and unaware that it is.

I use Firefox running on Linux to browse the Internet.
What I'm saying is, Facebook doesn't require access to any system files to run. It doesn't work by stealing your personal info, it jut asks you to type it all in.

If you're saying Firefox has a feature where you can write a little bit of HTML5 and JavaScript, and get access to system files, without the user being told/asked at all, then you should report the bug with steps to reproduce. It's a huge security problem in the browser.

Also, there are only about 1.5bn people on the Internet :D
Cagey said:
Jumble Jumble said:
And Cagey, there's no code in the Facebook website that could demand from the browser that it interface with your OS to get access to system files and directories. If there were such a piece of code that could be written, it would be considered a huge security problem in the browser - not the site. What browser are you using?

You're kidding, right? There are probably about 3 - 4 billion people who either wish that were true, or are currently under surveillance and unaware that it is.

I use Firefox running on Linux to browse the Internet.

im currently looking at it under debian and not logged into facebook. though i am in the sudoers group, shouldn't it ask for a password to do anything that requires root? i know i have to use a password to manually add the executable tag to anything i download and to edit system files. i am using opera to browse but can see facebook under firefox as well. maybe one of the other spyware programs you have blocked is hosted on facebook, dunno but you're probably better off.
If you're surfing as a superuser, you may as well be running Windows. You're totally vulnerable to anything and everything. You have blanket permission to do anything you want, right down to deleting the kernel altogether. That also means any program you run has the same access, including your browser and any scripts that load into it. Anybody can read/write/modify any of your files, install programs, control hardware... the list is long.

Needless to say, this is VERY dangerous behavior. You have no security whatsoever. It's the main reason most Windows machines have been such pushovers all these years. Nearly everybody runs as admin.
i know different distros handle things differently but i am not logged in as root. i still need to enter the root password for all super user actions. i'm a sudoer, so i can do administrative actions with the root password instead of logging in as another user but i'm prompted for a password for any action that required root in a window manager and get permission denied type of messages in console/terminal emulator without the sudo command and password. it's not as secure as the default settings on ubuntu which last i tried it (several years ago) didn't allow root login, and sudo doesn't work on everything which needless to say got annoying when i was trying to set things up and didn't know you can sudo su in console. i know i could be more secure, and i know how to do it, but i don't keep much important information anyway. and if somebody just wants to take down my machine for the sake of being malicious i can have the os reinstalled inside of 20minutes. ssd's, sata3, and usb3.0 make instalations among other things very fast.

your facebook problem could be your java, scripts, cookies or other security setting now that you mention scripts, come to think of it i could probably benefit from changing those settings, which i haven't done yet because it's a new instalation. it is sickening that stock browser settings accept all cookies even remote one from sites you didn't open and run all scripts and enable all plugins.
Yeah, I'm sure I have something blocked that Facebook doesn't like, but I don't know what it is. I have nothing specifically using "facebook" in the name, so it would have to be something with an obscure name from them or another service they use for ads or spyware. I'd have to eliminate damn near everything and start from scratch to find out what it is, and I'm not about to do that. Especially not for Facebook, which on top of everything else I have no use for.
I think we should set Cagey up a Facebook page. Anybody got any pictures?  :icon_jokercolor:
you think facebook is bad, look at google plus! biggest mistake ever was to try that service. on my android phone with the g+ app installed you are automagically logged in and all you photo's get uploaded! you have to turn it off rather than turn it on. i thought googles location services were bad especially latitutde. g+ shows "local" circles which means local people can see you based sometimes on your gps location, not just the ip location! eeek! and the google homepage requires cookies to be on to keep the location services off! i started using duckduckgo, they even have a cool android search that is integrated into the native phone search, but they really need to add a feature for it to bind to the search key like other search apps out there to eliminate the native search, but for privacy reasons they wouldn't want to add the phone/contact/everything search features that google has so it probably wouldn't be well received by android users who like that.

and the facebook phone app finds facebook accounts for the "people you may know" feature based on phone numbers in you contacts as well as uses your phone number even if it's not posted on facebook so others can find you. when i saw people in there that had no mutual friends like old bosses and girls i wouldn't want my mother to meet i took it off my phone, some phones come with it preinstalled as a system app. you need root to take the damn thing off, though you don't need to log in. honestly social networking is out of control and a huge invasion of privacy. especially on smart phones.

oh yeah back on topic. reverse strats are lame, i kinda like reverse headstocks, take it or leave it, but to lose upper fret access for the sake of hendrix nostalgia is dumb imho. might as well just by a lefty guitar, or better yet play lefty and use a right handed guitar. atlest backwards headstocks don't impede playability, actualy ina way they are easier to tune in the moment.
once again... the principle reason for a LHR strat IMHO is the Hendrix thing. If you're going to live with non-functional cutaway without getting the reversed bridge pickup, you're barking up the wrong tree.

Reverse angled bridge pickup = cool
Sucky cutaway = not cool