
reprofiling that dreadful warmoth neck body contour


Has anyone reprofiled a warmoth neck to a more fenderish shape if you have especially on a tele can you tell me if you think it was worthwhile. personally I think the warmoth neck body profile is horrid, so I am ordering a total vintage then I will reprofile it to as near a fender original shape as possible.
I love it, have to say the profile on my strat neck is top drawer, the only thing I had to modify was the fretboard edges and that's just personal taste.

The good thing about having them they way they are is it allows you the freedom to modify it to personal taste, so I would say it is definitely worth it to get it the way you want it. Another thing to mention is that there are several types of profile available so its a bit of a statement to make unless you have tried them all. If you know exactly the one you tried that you didn't like then you should be able to make an educated guess as to what is suitable, or at least how to make it the way you want it. The other alternative is to actually get a fender neck  :laughing7: that way you don't need to change anything.
Yeah, I got the Standard Thin neck, several of them actually, and they are really close to the Contemporary Strat I learned most everything on.  It was great for me, because I didn't have to do a thing to have the profile I was most comfortable with.

If you want the contour of a real early Telecaster neck then grab the Fatback profile and get sanding. It'll work but just go slow and only take a little off at a time/ If all else fails, grip the neck, rely on your hands to tell you if you've taken enough off or not. I've reprofiled an Epiphone neck and two Fender necks and I made the mistake on the Epiphone of going purely by measurements and I rushed it. It ended up not feeling how I wanted it to and it wasn't the smoothest job. On the Fenders I went purely by feel and spent three days on each one. Much better results, perfect for my hands.

That said if you want the neck profile that the Fender Custom Shop uses on their vintage-style Teles, the Warmoth boatneck looks like it should be almost exactly right to begin with. I've only tried a couple of CS Teles though and I'm judging the Warmoth boatneck purely on the measurements they've given on their site so I could be way off. Seems they're a very close match though.
gawabian said:
Has anyone reprofiled a warmoth neck to a more fenderish shape if you have especially on a tele can you tell me if you think it was worthwhile. personally I think the warmoth neck body profile is horrid, so I am ordering a total vintage then I will reprofile it to as near a fender original shape as possible.

What neck profile are you referring to from Warmoth? They offer several profiles.....

I use mainly 'standard thin' from Warmoth and it is close enough to the Fender C shape for me, and I HAVE played a Pre L series Fender Strat  (1962) years ago to remember what that felt like....Also I own a 1982 Fender Strat that has a very similar neck profile to the Warmoth necks I have....

I think if you are having troubles managing a Warmoth neck profile, it is possible you didn't know what profile you wanted in the first place, as they have a variety to choose from (with dimensions on their website).
uh, what the heck is a "neck body"? perhaps the OP is referring to the HEEL?
gawabian said:
... personally I think the warmoth neck body profile is horrid, so I am ordering a total vintage then I will reprofile it to as near a fender original shape as possible.

Hmmm, 1st post on the forum ... have you even tried a Warmoth neck before?  :icon_scratch:

Just askin' ...
sorry, OP, you are very confused with your terminology. First off, what is a "warmoth neck"? there are many different necks, all are made by warmoth, so what specifications does this "warmoth neck" have? Also, what is "fenderish shape"? do you mean the shape on the back of the neck? the headstock? Or something on the telecaster body? you refer to a "horrid profile" on a "warmoth neck body". A guitar neck and a guitar body are two completely separate things! Are you referring to a body, or a neck? "Total vintage" is indeed a Warmoth neck option, but if you don't like that neck back, Warmoth themselves offer many other neck profiles (the shape of the back of the neck.)

I'm not trying to be picky, I'm just confused. If you could clarify, we could help you figure out whatever it is you want to know. Don't be shy, we're here on the forum to help each other.

I'm just curious what's so "horrid" about any of the neck contours Warmoth offers. And if you're making this statement because the neck is a couple thousandths of an inch thicker than your personal preference, you need to get over yourself.
This forum is always sooo entertaining. Why the hell can't you people let him have his own opinion about something? He's got one post. Who the hell would want to come back after that? I think given the direction a lot of the posts across the board have been going people should evaluate why they are even members. It's this kind of treatment that makes me feel dumb for recommending this place to anyone.
ubershallman said:
This forum is always sooo entertaining. Why the hell can't you people let him have his own opinion about something? He's got one post. Who the hell would want to come back after that? I think given the direction a lot of the posts across the board have been going people should evaluate why they are even members. It's this kind of treatment that makes me feel dumb for recommending this place to anyone.

The thing is, it's highly unusual to hear anyone show such hatred for Warmoth's standard thin. This thread kind of comes off as more of a passive-aggressive bash on Warmoth than a genuine inquiry of whether or not anyone has sanded their neck down.
line6man said:
ubershallman said:
This forum is always sooo entertaining. Why the hell can't you people let him have his own opinion about something? He's got one post. Who the hell would want to come back after that? I think given the direction a lot of the posts across the board have been going people should evaluate why they are even members. It's this kind of treatment that makes me feel dumb for recommending this place to anyone.

The thing is, it's highly unusual to hear anyone show such hatred for Warmoth's standard thin. This thread kind of comes off as more of a passive-aggressive bash on Warmoth than a genuine inquiry of whether or not anyone has sanded their neck down.
IDK. The only thing he said was the shape was horrid. He even said he was ordering another. I don't really see the "hatred towards warmth" thing just from that statement. His post was actually pretty vague and left people curious as to exactly what he was talkin about. He didn't even mention the standard thin so its all just speculation. This type of welcome/band wagon shit happens all the time though.
I love my slim taper Bass neck. I can see some people not liking them not having much to hold on to, but I love it.
ubershallman said:
This forum is always sooo entertaining. Why the hell can't you people let him have his own opinion about something? He's got one post. Who the hell would want to come back after that? I think given the direction a lot of the posts across the board have been going people should evaluate why they are even members. It's this kind of treatment that makes me feel dumb for recommending this place to anyone.

To say that anything is "horrid" implies that, well, it's a pretty big piece of ****.....at least that's how I read into it. So for a new member to make a statement that bold is going to draw a lot of scrutiny for making said statement.

Don't forget that this is a discussion board. Having differing opinions is the whole point.
The OP still has only one post - I'm not sure we're ever gonna hear back from him to illuminate his contentions.
Zibob said:
I love my slim taper Bass neck. I can see some people not liking them not having much to hold on to, but I love it.
If my project jazz bass feels the need to be a halfmoth, ill likely get a slim taper one just for kicks  :laughing7:
if i dont like it, then ill get a spare normal size one :evil4:

Plus the other thing about this is, I think even the majority of the Elders on this site (no correlation to age, just forum time) haven't gone through every single neck profile/contour that warmoth offers.
So for a new guy to post he thinks its dreadful, i doubt its about all of the necks, which would probably take about 4/5 builds worth of money to get a neck of each profile alone i bet.
Just seems a bit fishy, on a positive note i would suggest what others have for him, and to find out the profile he likes, get the measurements, and go with a warmoth neck with the profile closest to it.
Problem should be solved then.
llmstratocaster said:
ubershallman said:
This forum is always sooo entertaining. Why the hell can't you people let him have his own opinion about something? He's got one post. Who the hell would want to come back after that? I think given the direction a lot of the posts across the board have been going people should evaluate why they are even members. It's this kind of treatment that makes me feel dumb for recommending this place to anyone.

To say that anything is "horrid" implies that, well, it's a pretty big piece of ****.....at least that's how I read into it. So for a new member to make a statement that bold is going to draw a lot of scrutiny for making said statement.

Don't forget that this is a discussion board. Having differing opinions is the whole point.
Indeed this is a discussion forum. Differing opinions is great. Why not let the guy have his? All he said was that a particular profile was horrid for him. He wasn't insulting quality or company or anything else. He was greeted with "have you even tried a warmoth neck"? just because he had one post. He was also told to get over himself if it's because of a few thousandths of an inch. I don't think you are understanding what I'm getting at. I was pointing out the incredibly warm welcome this guy got. I was also pointing out the fact that this happens to alot of new members that don't jump in and conform to the I love strats with maple tops and Wilkies and korina and whatever the flavor of the month is clan.
He is aware of the concept of neck profile, because he declared it to suck. Yet he indites all Warmoth products and bespeaks lack of awareness of the variety of neck profiles they offer. Troll or simply offering opinions  more forcefully than his knowledge of the subject warrants - he certainly did not predispose anyone  to giving him the benefit of the doubt. 