
reprofiling that dreadful warmoth neck body contour

swarfrat said:
He is aware of the concept of neck profile, because he declared it to suck. Yet he indites all Warmoth products and bespeaks lack of awareness of the variety of neck profiles they offer. Troll or simply offering opinions  more forcefully than his knowledge of the subject warrants - he certainly did not predispose anyone  to giving him the benefit of the doubt.  

What he said!  :icon_biggrin:

If you came onto another, established discussion forum  & made a statement in the same vein as this OP, what sort of response would occur? Arguably much worse. The post may even had been deleted by the Mods as a possible troll, and not seen the first day....
Has anyone reprofiled a warmoth troll to a more unretarded thought process?  Especially while playing on a tele can you tell me if you think it was worthwhile to  reply? Personally I think the warmoth troll is horrid, so I am hoping he will order his freakin "original fender" so our forum stays reprofiler free.
swarfrat said:
He is aware of the concept of neck profile, because he declared it to suck. Yet he indites all Warmoth products and bespeaks lack of awareness of the variety of neck profiles they offer. Troll or simply offering opinions  more forcefully than his knowledge of the subject warrants - he certainly did not predispose anyone  to giving him the benefit of the doubt.   
How do you figure he indited all Warmoth products? All he said was a particular profile was personally horrid. He even stated he would order another. You weren't being serious were you? Now offering opinions that his knowledge of the subject warrants?? Again are you serious? He had a profile he did not like. What knowledge does he need to know he doesn't like the profile? Better yet what knowledge does he need for you to allow him his opinion? He may not know all of his options. I think that is what you were eluding to. But that still doesn't mean his opinion is less valid or not worthy because it hasn't been "unofficially approved".
Aussie Pete said:
swarfrat said:
He is aware of the concept of neck profile, because he declared it to suck. Yet he indites all Warmoth products and bespeaks lack of awareness of the variety of neck profiles they offer. Troll or simply offering opinions  more forcefully than his knowledge of the subject warrants - he certainly did not predispose anyone  to giving him the benefit of the doubt.  

What he said!  :icon_biggrin:

If you came onto another, established discussion forum  & made a statement in the same vein as this OP, what sort of response would occur? Arguably much worse. The post may even had been deleted by the Mods as a possible troll, and not seen the first day....
Theres nothing wrong with stating that you were unhappy with a product. He made one comment and asked for advice. Hardly being a troll.  :dontknow:
Gauthier said:
Has anyone reprofiled a warmoth troll to a more unretarded thought process?  Especially while playing on a tele can you tell me if you think it was worthwhile to  reply? Personally I think the warmoth troll is horrid, so I am hoping he will order his freakin "original fender" so our forum stays reprofiler free.
Speaking of trolls and retarded thought processes........................................................
ubershallman said:
Gauthier said:
Has anyone reprofiled a warmoth troll to a more unretarded thought process?  Especially while playing on a tele can you tell me if you think it was worthwhile to  reply? Personally I think the warmoth troll is horrid, so I am hoping he will order his freakin "original fender" so our forum stays reprofiler free.
Speaking of trolls and retarded thought processes........................................................

Rimshot please.
ubershallman said:
llmstratocaster said:
ubershallman said:
This forum is always sooo entertaining. Why the hell can't you people let him have his own opinion about something? He's got one post. Who the hell would want to come back after that? I think given the direction a lot of the posts across the board have been going people should evaluate why they are even members. It's this kind of treatment that makes me feel dumb for recommending this place to anyone.

To say that anything is "horrid" implies that, well, it's a pretty big piece of ****.....at least that's how I read into it. So for a new member to make a statement that bold is going to draw a lot of scrutiny for making said statement.

Don't forget that this is a discussion board. Having differing opinions is the whole point.
Indeed this is a discussion forum. Differing opinions is great. Why not let the guy have his? All he said was that a particular profile was horrid for him. He wasn't insulting quality or company or anything else. He was greeted with "have you even tried a warmoth neck"? just because he had one post. He was also told to get over himself if it's because of a few thousandths of an inch. I don't think you are understanding what I'm getting at. I was pointing out the incredibly warm welcome this guy got. I was also pointing out the fact that this happens to alot of new members that don't jump in and conform to the I love strats with maple tops and Wilkies and korina and whatever the flavor of the month is clan.

I'ver been a member on several music/musical instrument forums and the welcome this guy got was friendly compared to the responses others have gotten.....and they made far less inflamatory statements than this guy's.
llmstratocaster said:
ubershallman said:
llmstratocaster said:
ubershallman said:
This forum is always sooo entertaining. Why the hell can't you people let him have his own opinion about something? He's got one post. Who the hell would want to come back after that? I think given the direction a lot of the posts across the board have been going people should evaluate why they are even members. It's this kind of treatment that makes me feel dumb for recommending this place to anyone.

To say that anything is "horrid" implies that, well, it's a pretty big piece of ****.....at least that's how I read into it. So for a new member to make a statement that bold is going to draw a lot of scrutiny for making said statement.

Don't forget that this is a discussion board. Having differing opinions is the whole point.
Indeed this is a discussion forum. Differing opinions is great. Why not let the guy have his? All he said was that a particular profile was horrid for him. He wasn't insulting quality or company or anything else. He was greeted with "have you even tried a warmoth neck"? just because he had one post. He was also told to get over himself if it's because of a few thousandths of an inch. I don't think you are understanding what I'm getting at. I was pointing out the incredibly warm welcome this guy got. I was also pointing out the fact that this happens to alot of new members that don't jump in and conform to the I love strats with maple tops and Wilkies and korina and whatever the flavor of the month is clan.

I'ver been a member on several music/musical instrument forums and the welcome this guy got was friendly compared to the responses others have gotten.....and they made far less inflamatory statements than this guy's.

FWIW, most of the initial replies were in now way negative (confused, and therefore question-filled perhaps, but not negative). If the OP is still reading, and has been offended, sincere apologies, seriously. And if English isn't your first language, we understand. Google Translator makes a mess of things more often than not. There's a lot of good knowledge on this forum, all of it shared gladly. Just ask, and we'll try to work out what you're asking.  :occasion14:
line6man said:
comes off as more of a passive-aggressive bash on Warmoth than a genuine inquiry

That's that way it read to me also. "Hi Warmoth customers... can anyone help me make a Warmoth neck not suck?"

Still I think he's specifically talking about the obnoxiously rounded area just above the heel on Warmoth necks, not the contour of the entire neck.It does look very awkward.
gawabian said:
Has anyone reprofiled a warmoth neck to a more fenderish shape if you have especially on a tele can you tell me if you think it was worthwhile. personally I think the warmoth neck body profile is horrid, so I am ordering a total vintage then I will reprofile it to as near a fender original shape as possible.
It sounds as if someone took a Warmoth neck out of the box and slapped it on a body and handed it to you. If so it doesn't work that way especially when compared to a good playing Fender neck. In other words do not expect custom shop playability without a custom shop style setup, it is impossible to judge any profile fairly without everything being turn-key.
It would be a first for me to hear a complaint about the feel of the arch shape located at the neck body especially a complaint that describes the area as dreadful and horrid...UK perhaps? In that area of a neck, if that's what you are referring to, there's really no difference worth complaining about. Some people smooth up the arch outline a bit.
Since Warmoth does not build guitars obviously there is no finished product to compare to a good Fender Guitar. If you want a Warmoth parts guitar to run along side a good Fender guitar it all depends on in the individual using the tools.

I've actually seen a lot of people complain about this on the TDPRI forum. I can't see it myself, but I wouldn't think it would be too hard a thing to fix with a little careful sanding. The way I hold the neck on the upper frets I would never even notice the difference between the Warmoth and Fender heels. But if it bothers you definitely get it done by a pro (or do it yourself if you're confident) because the Warmoth products are definitely worth the extra effort in getting a great instrument. Also, we'd all love to see some pictures if you get it finished up or even before hand :icon_biggrin:
I reshaped the neck on  both the G4 and the Tele necks I got from Warmoth , as I do with all the guitars I build .  IMHO the whole reason for building vs. off the shelf is to make a guitar/bass that fits you  ( or whomever you are building for)