Recessed Gotoh 510 cavity

Hi..for those wondering about the tremolo and wood in contact, there's none.. it's just the camera angle showing there's rubbing going on.. there's at least 1-2mm space around the tremolo base spring rubbing as well underneath..but I noticed that the knife edges are very worn even with tremolo stabilizer it doesn't go back to zero.. it's just a cheap gotoh T1502 after all.. 😅 finally decided to purchase a legit gotoh 510t-fe1..just waiting for it to be delivered..

For those who have tried gotoh 510T, how hard or durable the knife edges? Worried that with my tremolo usage, it will wear easily..I know FR is the best for my use case but I really don't like FR.. 😅
Gotoh in general are very well made. My first 1996 T that I have on my TFS6 lasted 23 years before I replaced it, and the Ibanez Edge Lo Pro 7 from 1996 was just recently replaced with the Gotoh, and it feels so much smoother!
news on this consideration @aarontunes? i can also testify that the 510 works really fine with recessed guitars and if you have the recess you can do way more wonderful things with it (crazy upbends, setting up the trem a bit more backwards for more downpull throw etc.). the last guitar i had this on was a sterling petrucci which recessed cave fits perfectly the 510 without any wood operations. once you have the recess freedom you can use this thing really close to a floyd.

one more thought on the above statement that the wilkinson with the recess dont sell well, here some ideas why people better go with 510 if you have to chose:
- maybe its just me but the wilkinson vs 100 is way more ugly than the 510 in its various editons and will optically mismatch any classical appearing instrument while the 510 optically retrofits a fender bridge very good
- the gotoh comes in alot of different editions, the most important difference is that they offer 54mm string spacing and 52.5mm which is really cool, also further options of block type, saddles etc. are possible
- 510 route as i understand correctly will also be compatible with the new wilkinson trem with the locking saddles wich looks wonderfully (not tested yet).

so having this wonderful and modern trem supported fully with a fitting (semi-)recess would just be spectacular. :)
The wilkinson trem is available in cosmo black! If you buy the gotoh version.

It's not going to happen any time soon, and more than likely won't ever happen. The recess doesn't work with Warmoth bodies. We've already tried it. Because our trem cavities are made to be as universally compatible as possible they are routed slightly deeper. When we tried recessing the 510 the studs poked through the into the trem cavity.

One of the downsides of trying to be everything to everybody.
I have an idea about this one. I understand you build guitar to fit the max amount of bridges/pickups/whatever.
I also understand that you cnc route all the bodies.
now hear me out on this one:
Why not adjust the depth parameter in the trem rout to make this work? It's not hard at all to do this. These bodies will no be built to accommodate any bridge, only one.
Add a disclaimer that says non returnable as a cya. Also add notes as to what model/block/whatever parts are needed.

Also, some manufacturers contract for their own versions of trems. Perhaps a 510 with a short block could be sold on warmoth's site?

Bottom line is that a shallower depth trem cavity and a recessed trem works everywhere else. For those that want a recessed 510, they will get a body with a shallower cavity that may or may not work with other trems. Do you think they care about that? No, they are too busy doing pull ups on their 510s!

Both of these routs are super simple. None moreso than just adjusting the depth parameter of the trem route.

I have one and it doesn’t look good. I’m over the Wilky too.

As to the Gotoh 510 - which has been without a doubt my favorite trem - I wouldn’t think to recess it.

Your comment really instilled extra confidence on this Gotoh 510 trem, I am building my first partscaster and it was made for a gotoh 510 bridge. I read good things about the bridge but hearing more people say they love the Gotoh 510 makes me look forward to the build. For the record I have the most experience with OFR and then Vega Trem systems.

I grew up in the time when the vs100 was the most stable trem out there. They were everywhere, so I am used to them in the scheme of things, looks wise.

What alot of the guys saying just get a floyd are missing the point and major differences.
A standard trem has the pivot points mostly in line with with the saddle's string take off points. While a floyd has the saddle locks to contend with. As a result, the pivot points ate well in front of the saddle take off points. This allows the crazy pitch change, but also messes with the subtlety of a standard trem.

Another possible idea: do they make shorter studs?
@aarontunes , what if there were shorter studs available? Would you do it? It seems as the trem cavity poke thru (dontcha all just hate poke thru? Lol) is the only issue.

I have no dog in this fight btw, as I'd go for the wilky myself (and recessed, ugly be damned, lol).