Cagey said:Problem with the charity idea is say we raise $1,500 and build a $1,500 guitar. What's it going to bring on ebay? $900? $1,000? Plus, somebody's gotta build it for nothing. May as well just put out a call for donations to a particular charity. They'd get more money that way, and be able to pay more salaries since that's what most of them do with the money. Only a fraction goes to whatever their pet cause is. Then, who decides which charity is deserving of our support? No matter who you pick, somebody's not going to like it. If we vote on which charity should get blessed, then those who don't agree simply won't contribute. You could pick the charity after the money is collected, but the confusion about where the money's going will also put a major damper on contributions.
Anybody can donate to the charity of their choice anytime they wish. I don't see how we can leverage the community here to improve on that situation. For my part, charity begins at home. I have family and friends who are always in need of something, so when I have disposable income, that's where it goes.
Exactly :icon_thumright:dNA said:I'm also throwing in my vote that i would probably spend $50 twice a year if i could afford it.
I don't think people are going to be any less interested in potentially winning a guitar if it was twice a year than they would be if it was only once a year.
Super Turbo Deluxe Custom said:There's no shortage of charities to give to....anywhere. There is a shortage of Warmoth raffles. Let's just do a raffle. There's no need to trick it up.
BTW, I think raffle is the magic word for making this a legal issue. =CB= remembers what to call it.
AprioriMark said:Back on topic, Spyke just told me that it's being shipped today or tomorrow. I just peed a little.
Biggus Pickus said:He peed from the shipping notification. I think seeing the actual thing may have killed him. :dontknow:
knucklehead G said:I hope you got a great deal on that UPS 26-day shipping special.
Cagey said:What is it with UPS and Puyallup? I can count on 7 to 9 days transit from there with UPS and I'm in a major metropolitan area.
Cagey said:Amazon only wants you to spend $25 to get free shipping. Newegg gives you free shipping on nearly anything. Stuff gets here in 3 days or less from as far away as California. McMaster-Carr and PartsExpress charge for shipping, but at least here if I order it by about 3-4pm, it's on my doorstep the next day. From another state! How are all these guys doing it?