line6man said:No, I'd rather do it annually.
So would I.Death by Uberschall said:I'd buy 5 tickets twice a year if I could. :icon_thumright:
I'm liking this idea. I think I've liked it before too.AprioriMark said:I still think that we should have one annually like we have the last two years, but also add a charity build. We could all "buy" tickets to be the one in charge of a build which could be donated to a fundraising auction or ebayed/sold for a straight donation. We could vote on a short list of charities ahead of time and the winner could choose from them. It'd be fun, it would do a little bit of good in the world, and it would showcase our hobby.
Cagey said:Problem with the charity idea is say we raise $1,500 and build a $1,500 guitar. What's it going to bring on ebay? $900? $1,000? Plus, somebody's gotta build it for nothing. May as well just put out a call for donations to a particular charity. They'd get more money that way, and be able to pay more salaries since that's what most of them do with the money. Only a fraction goes to whatever their pet cause is. Then, who decides which charity is deserving of our support? No matter who you pick, somebody's not going to like it. If we vote on which charity should get blessed, then those who don't agree simply won't contribute. You could pick the charity after the money is collected, but the confusion about where the money's going will also put a major damper on contributions.
Anybody can donate to the charity of their choice anytime they wish. I don't see how we can leverage the community here to improve on that situation. For my part, charity begins at home. I have family and friends who are always in need of something, so when I have disposable income, that's where it goes.
AprioriMark said:I agree that it's not the most efficient use of our funds, time, etc. We would never, ever, be able to draw a line about "best," and in my vast experience, giving should be heartfelt and joyful. If this raffle inspires people to give to causes that touch their hearts, great. I still think it would be fun to build a UW community sponsored guitar to benefit people in need, even if it's not a million dollars, 500 bucks is 500 bucks. Even if it cost us a thousand.
I disagree about how money is spent in charities, and it's an educated opinion, since I work with many day in and day out. If you're concerned or interested, here's a great way to see how monies are spent: This reason is why I suggested that we could choose a short list of UW-approved charities ahead of time.
I know this discussion is a little uncomfortable, but everything worth doing generally starts out that way.
Cagey said:Long story short: If I'm going to donate $10 to a charity, I want the $10 to go to the charity. More to the point, I want the $10 to go to the recipients of the charity's focus, not to the charity. If they're only going to get $5, then that's all I'm going to donate. If all they get is half that, then I'll only donate $2.50. You can see where this is going, mathematically. That's why I don't donate to charities. If somebody needs $10, I'm much more likely to give them $10 than to give somebody else $10 so they can give person in need $5.