
Raffle build


Hero Member
What ever happened with that second raffle build?  I kinda stop checking up on here, did he ever finish it?
line6man said:
When's number three coming up?  :toothy10:

I think people aggreed on the annual thing so I guess a few more months. I don't mind running it once a year but anymore then that and I am out. I don't think until you have actually had to deal with 20-30 people you don't know and their money you can realize the dificulties involved. I will say that I don't think that this type of raffle would survive on many other bb's and that speaks volumns about the members here. The next one will have every aspect laid out so that a few of the senior members that passed on this one will fell confident that everything is on the up and up. Good luck to all and sooner or later I hope to win.


Patrick from Davis said:
knucklehead G said:
Pfft, I'm winning the next one.

Get in line...

Warmoth better start stocking up on the AAAAAA flamed ninja soulwood for the three-pickup Dinky P I plan to spend yall's money on. They're going to need a lot of it.
As I posted in another thread today, I got word that the neck is in progress, and that it should be shipped within a couple weeks.  Believe me, I have wanted to post all kinds of "OMFG WHAT'S TAKING SO LONG I CAN'T FLIPPING WAIT" threads, but it was made clear in the raffle thread that there shouldn't be excessive posts about the win, so I've kept largely quiet and tried to respond to everyone who's asked what's up.  Believe me, I will post pics as soon as I get the neck and body... unless you guys want pics of the pickups and hardware that I sometimes pet but have not allowed myself to unwrap hahahaha.

AprioriMark said:
As I posted in another thread today, I got word that the neck is in progress, and that it should be shipped within a couple weeks.  Believe me, I have wanted to post all kinds of "OMFG WHAT'S TAKING SO LONG I CAN'T FLIPPING WAIT" threads, but it was made clear in the raffle thread that there shouldn't be excessive posts about the win, so I've kept largely quiet and tried to respond to everyone who's asked what's up.  Believe me, I will post pics as soon as I get the neck and body... unless you guys want pics of the pickups and hardware that I sometimes pet but have not allowed myself to unwrap hahahaha.


Yes, we want pics.
AprioriMark said:
As I posted in another thread today, I got word that the neck is in progress, and that it should be shipped within a couple weeks.  Believe me, I have wanted to post all kinds of "OMFG WHAT'S TAKING SO LONG I CAN'T FLIPPING WAIT" threads, but it was made clear in the raffle thread that there shouldn't be excessive posts about the win, so I've kept largely quiet and tried to respond to everyone who's asked what's up.  Believe me, I will post pics as soon as I get the neck and body... unless you guys want pics of the pickups and hardware that I sometimes pet but have not allowed myself to unwrap hahahaha.


Got ya.  And yes there obviously must be pics when you get, or it doesn't exist.  :toothy11:
knucklehead G said:
Warmoth better start stocking up on the AAAAAA flamed ninja soulwood for the three-pickup Dinky P I plan to spend yall's money on. They're going to need a lot of it.
Soulwood is too dark for a bass.  Which is why it's going into my guitar. Which I will buy from my winnings.
  Mmm... Ebony on wenge neck with a chambered Walnut body, gold hardware... and really big tits...
ORCRiST said:
For those of us who've never heard of the raffle build... what is it exactly?

There has been, unofficially of course, a raffle the last two years on these here boards. We bought tickets for $10 a pop, 1-5 of them last year, and let the California State Lottery draw the winner. AprioriMark got a bit over $2,000 towards a new Warmoth build, and we're all chomping at the bit to see it.
Yeah, I don't want to miss it, either. The odds are really good, and the payoff is better than money.
Death by Uberschall said:
I'm ready for it to be semi-annual  :icon_thumright:

I second this  :icon_thumright:

Plus it's almost worth the ten bucks to see the lovely guitars I....er....I mean the winner would make right?