
q about warmoth's humbucker ring screws

What you mean to say is that the chrome and gold screws are different. Most people order black oxide coated screws for pickup rings, so they probably had to seek out screws from another supplier, for the people that want chrome and gold. For this application, the screw really doesn't matter, but it would appear that the black screws are the better candidate. The unthreaded part of the shaft will prevent wear on the pickup rings, and the screw is shorter to prevent unnecessary drilling. Additionally, the threads are larger, which helps to prevent stripping. Personally, I prefer the oval heads to flat heads, as well. Others may feel differently, however.
Although the black are a different looking screw, they work for the same purpose just fine.  The black screws that are sold separately match the screws that come with the plastic mounting rings we sell.  The chrome and gold screws will gradually switch over to match the new style.