Purple bling, bling, bling Tele finished

That really is a guitar that just looks fun to play, and has a lot of great practical elements to it as well.  I especially dig the Ivoroid fretboard binding - it adds a ton of personality to the guitar in my opinion.  Congrats on realizing your vision!
From experience I can tell you that that advice is just bad. How can you appreciate custom wound pickups if you don't know what the guitar sounds like with known, regular pickups. Besides... Robbed Ford uses those pickups almost exclusively, and if he can appreciate them without a hitch, who the bleep are we to argue. Besides, there's little our there that's better than the 59set. Maybe bill Lawrence pickups, but those are very much acquired taste. 
@ Corey P.

thanks for your appreciation to the vision I had. The only bad thing is, the frets are not the SS frets (due to the binding).  But I really enjoy even just looking at it. It's lovely.

@ Orpheo,

thx for your support on my "not having custom wound" PU's. I bet he get's his specially hand wound (custom) though, but just the thought of using the same PU's as Robben Ford is nice..... 

Actually, he uses regular 59's. If it were to be anything different, it wouldn't be a 59 ;)
Julia, yours is my second-favorite purple bling-bling telecaster EVER.  It's awesome. 

Search on "quty pie" to see my VERY favorite.
@ Street Avenger,

thx.  Well, it wasn't me having it put together, a guitar tech did it for me.
He actually put "my" build together guitar in between his orders, very kind of him.

@ Bagman67,

yep, I saw your "quty pie", it looks very sweet. I am glad I can call your 2nd favourite purple Tele EVER my own.

@ riverbluff,

well, since you said you were too busy right now, I had to look for other possibilities........

Bye you all