
Project 11

mayfly said:
I hope one day to have that many W telecasters.  As the man says, why not?

I agree!  I was looking at my stock of Fender, Warmoth and Half-moth Teles last night.  It's better than live porn.

Guitars good. More guitars better.  :icon_thumright:

Said in another way: Until we have filled the internet completely - there will always be more room for guitars.  :hello2:
Orpheo said:
to make things even worse for you multi-LP-haters:

I have number twelve and THIRTEEN COMING MY WAY!

So just suck it up, swallow the lousy comments, stuff it up and act as if its my first or second project.

I doubt there are any "Les Paul Haters" here. It's a fine instrument, not to mention an historic icon. Certainly beautiful, even in its simplest, most basic form. Why do you suppose it's so widely copied?

But, not everybody enjoys actually using that design. It takes a very different kind of playing style that if you're not raised on it is very difficult to get used to. For those of us who've had some either classical or jazz training, the thing is almost completely unapproachable. You have to break too many rules too often to deal with it.

But, that doesn't mean someone hates the thing, or anyone who uses one. It's just not always a comfortable option. If you can manage one, more power to you. They have a somewhat unique sound that's difficult to get out of any other design.

You may as well get used to the idea that you're going to get some ribbing about it, though. Everybody does for their particular choice, especially if they build up a collection of the same thing. Hell, I poke at one of my brothers all the time because he's got a big pile of G&Ls, all essentially the same thing. Doesn't mean they aren't nice guitars, or that he's nuts. One of my friends won't buy anything but Gibsons. I've known him since high school, and for the last 35 years we've been fighting the Fender vs. Gibson wars. Now, he IS nuts <grin>

So, try to calm down. It's all good <grin>
@ cagey: I didn't say "les paul haters'I said " multi les paul haters'. meaning: having more than 1 (well,okay, 2) les pauls :P
I'm sure I'm an obsessive compulsive, If I had a wall of guitars of varying type then it would look... out of place.They would either have to be all strats, all les pauls or whatever, if they are different then they would have to be arranged in a way that looks geometric and orderly.  :toothy10:
Orpheo said:
exaN said:
And he does it again :doh:

Is that really your ELEVENTH Warmoth LP??? :tard:

why the 'doh'? I don't play something else except les pauls, and I like nice woods, so why not?

It really wasn't anything negative, I just lacked of a better emoticon :icon_tongue:, anyways it's more sexy guitar porn for us to look at :hello2:

I love LPs and I'd have a couple of them if I had the money :sad1:.