Big V - AKA "The other guy from Norway" said:
Orpheo said:
dNA said:
Orpheo said:
i seriously like the looks
can't help it.
i hope to god those aren't
good pickups you're wasting
never. always cheap-ass asian pickups with the magnet ripped out, with a gold cover.
That's at least a relief, but still :doh:
Hey, Orpheo, kan you do a compilation or something of all your guitars? I've tried the threads, but most pictures didn't work :dontknow:
I'll post a pic later, just let me respond to the 3 pickup thing.
When I was younger, a lot more than I am today, my most beloved guitar was a 3 pup gibson les paul custom. I bought (no, traded!) it because it was a BLACK custom. my LP custom which I had before that one (and used to trade it!) was a 2 pup winered LP. I wasn't able to appreciate the color at that time, I wanted a BLACK one. that it had 3 pickups, was tough luck. it was black.
later on, I started to appreciate the winered les pauls, and also, I learned that I really liked the 3 pickup look. Not only that, but I 'need' that third pickup as an anchor for my fingers. my musclememory has evolved into such a state that I feel 'lost' without the third humbucker in the middle. For me, its not obstruction, not anymore at least.
Then, at the start of 2007, I ordered my first les paul. It had to be a combination of the 3 guitars I have loved up until that point: the PRS mark tremonti (tremolo), PRS Mccarty (rosewood neck), and for both PRS's goes that they both had nice tops, and my old custom (3 pups). I added some stuff of my own ofcourse. but since then, I went on the 3 pickup-course, and have only deviated on occasion, when there was no other option than deviation