Pot value


Hero Member
Any suggestions for a Dimarzio Super Distortion and Humbucker from Hell with a 3 way switch and ONLY one volume knob with no tone pot?  Is a single 250k volume pot like using a 500 k volume and 500 k tone?  I'd like it to sound like it had a 500k volume and 500k tone (unused, or course).  So... which of the two values should I use?
I thought this topic was about the pricelists / menu cards in certan shops that we have in Holland.... :tard:
1/8 = $50

But anyway, if you want it to sound like it has an unused 500K tone knob, wire it up with a 500K resistor to a cap to ground.  And use a 500K volume pot.  Or just leave the tone off altogether... I'd still use the 500K volume.