1988. I was 20, just rolling over to 21. At that age I was totally into reading all the guitar porn I could get my hands on - Guitar World, Guitar for the PRacticing Musician (tabs, tabs, tabs!), and especially Guitar Player, which even to my untutored eye seemed like a much more professional undertaking. Back then, GP had little phono records every month they called Soundpages, and one month in particular, there was a cover feature on this new guy, Joe Satriani. They had a Soundpage of him doing a ditty called "Crush of Love" and the flip was a track of him playing a one-handed, hammered-on solo called "Power Cosmic." I was floored. I decided I just had to get my hands on his recent release, "Surfing with the Alien." I was stationed at Fort Huachuca, Arizona, and the nearest town of any size was Tucson, so off I went the first weekend I got a chance. I got hold of the cassette and immediately put it in the player in my car. I sat in the parking lot outside the Wherehouse records store and listened to the whole thing. I just sat there and literally laughed at how amazing this guy's guitar playing was. Anyway - the showstopper, for me, was "Always With You, Always With Me," which demonstrated to me that shredding guitar could be beautiful and sensitive and tender. And so I share this live version with you.