Why don't you just stop burning through it? :guitaristgif:
Every time I read about another mistake made that's solely a result of working TOO hard rather than not hard enough, it registers on the scale (in my mind) as another nano-molecule in favor of a nice, relaxing, lazy half-assed work ethic. And if you try that and you're
still burning through, just gonna hafta shoot for a quarter-assed work ethic next time! 0.375-assed, at the very most. Ooooh, how tiring... nap time! :icon_thumright:
In all seriousness, if you thin Tru-Oil HALF-AND-HALF with naptha or mineral sprouts or Laphroaig, OR if you thin Poly HALF-AND-HALF with water, then:
put on one coat AS THIN AS POSSIBLE (which is easy cause it's just like water) then you wait 30 to 45 minutes, then put on another coat AS THIN AS POSSIBLE (which is easy cause it's just like water) then you wait 30 to 45 minutes, then put on another coat AS THIN AS POSSIBLE (which is easy cause it's just like water); then you wait 2 hours or better, overnight. Bang it back a ways with wet/dry 220, BE CAREFUL. 320 on the edges, even 400. NO I'm not kidding. JUST A LITTLE WAYs, oh Combusto-Dude. BE CAREFUL. It's like, three swipes with very little pressure. Then:
put on one coat AS THIN AS POSSIBLE (which is easy cause it's just like water) then you wait 30 to 45 minutes, then put on another coat AS THIN AS POSSIBLE (which is easy cause it's just like water) then you wait 30 to 45 minutes, then put on another coat AS THIN AS POSSIBLE (which is easy cause it's just like water). And you're DONE. Just - STOP. You're DONE.***
I'm really sure of two things.
1) People screw this up because they just can't believe anything could be so easy, so they just keep going. After it was already DONE.
2)a} People who tell you to spread it on full thickness, then scrape it off, then some-thing-or-another, then spread it on full thickness, then scrape it off, then some-thing-or-another, etc., are trying to duplicate the work flow of some factory that's making 40 guitars or 75 étagères at a time. You're not.
2)b} COMPANIES that tell you to spread it on full thickness, then scrape it off, then some-thing-or-another, then spread it on full thickness, then scrape it off, then some dumbass thing-or-another, etc. - they have figured out they can trick you into wasting a whole bottle of Tru-Oil making just one guitar, instead of six. Haha! Haha!
How can throwing away scraperfull after scraperfull of perfectly good finish be a sensible thing to do? :icon_scratch:
A: The only (dint say
sensible) reason you
could have for scraping perfectly good finish OFF of something that you are, after all, trying to put finish ON would be because it was TOO THICK when you put it on! WO! HEY! Why, you'd almost think tha... th... bzt... bzzzt. Well, no. O.K.; You're not permitted to THINK! Just follow the instructions, O.K.?
"I vas joozt followink zee ORDERTZ, mien Commandant!"
goddam smartasses....
...reason you have for scraping perfectly good finish OFF of something that you are, after all, trying to put finish ON...
...reason you have for scraping perfectly good finish OFF of something that you are, after all, trying to put finish ON...
...reason you have for scraping perfectly good finish OFF of something that you are, after all, trying to put finish ON...
- Today's Happy-Happy Meditation Mantra! go git'm bones.
***(If you want alder/poplar smoothy-smooth, or the smooth part of swamp ash smoothy-smooth, you can re-peat the peat twice more, i.e. totalistically:
gloop three times, knock it back, sleep.
gloop three times, knock it back, sleep.
gloop three times ~
~MAYbe~ knock it back, sleep.
gloop three times.)