
Pointy Guitar Party - V-K 2 (Oni)


Senior Member
Had to do it. I grabbed the Showcase V-K, though I still don't quite know why it was a Screamin' Deal as compared to the other V-K body in the Showcase. The specs seemed identical between the two. Even though one said it was super-light, the weight that was posted for both bodies was identical, so.... :unsure:

That was ordered on the 27th and it's on the production line right now. Haven't decided what kind of neck to put on it, whether standard or a bari. It's going to be a paddle head, though, so I can cut it to my personal signature custom shape. I got time to decide (and save the money for it....).
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Arrived two days earlier than originally anticipated by UPS. What a difference from 2020, eh? :)

2024-09-07 08.20.03.jpg

2024-09-07 08.20.21.jpg

I originally had a freak-out about that silver Sharpie line, but then remembered the protective cling film on the plastic (oops...)

2024-09-07 08.20.25.jpg

The marker is on the protective sheet, not the cavity cover itself, so let's calm myself down. :D

And of course, going back to my thread about spring cavity covers, I'm going to need to measure out and install one, since like I wrote in that topic, I grew up with guitars with spring cavity covers so that's how I'm going to operate. I don't gig at all or play so frequently as to knock the tension balance out of whack so much to need to adjust it all the time.

The comparison pic with my original V:

2024-09-07 08.28.42.jpg

Specs of the new body:
  • Mahogany core
  • Dual wood-mount HBs
  • Knobs & switch drilled at Vol2 & Ton1 positions
  • Original FR bridge mounting
  • Contoured neck heel
I have no idea when I'll actually have the time/opportunity to begin working on this one, though. Planning on taking a trip to the cottage next month to do a final lawn cut and then winterize the mower, so maybe then. If not, then we'll be up there over Thanksgiving in November for the holiday weekend.
That's a very sexy hunk of wood you got there, Ned. Nitro or poly for the white finish? Any plans on them there pickup cavities? I have a guitar with the LiquiFire/CrunchLab combo in Neck/Bridge respectively, and I really dig that for my metal needs. Although I use it for BB King stuff, too, like a crazy person.

Looking forward to this coming together when you have the time.
3.18lbs correct? I eyed those puppies for awhile.
According to my postage scale, it's even lighter. 3 lbs., 0.7 oz. I'm sure the 2.1 oz. difference will really matter.... ;)

Hell, I'll make up for that in the excessive paint and over-applied solder! :ROFLMAO:

That's a very sexy hunk of wood you got there, Ned. Nitro or poly for the white finish? Any plans on them there pickup cavities? I have a guitar with the LiquiFire/CrunchLab combo in Neck/Bridge respectively, and I really dig that for my metal needs. Although I use it for BB King stuff, too, like a crazy person.

Looking forward to this coming together when you have the time.

Plan is that after the pore fill, a white primer coat then retail-grade rattle can white lacquer. It's the same stuff I used for my satin black V (Rustoleum black with a satin clear coat on top) and it's held up. Pretty much because I don't gig out, and the most travel my black V has gotten is the occasional set-up in the back yard on a nice spring or summer day while the kids are playing outside so that I can at least practice and not be so damn bored :)

Even developed that telltale glossy spot near the pickups where I reflexively place my fingertip while picking.

For this new one, I'll probably stick with Dragonfire Screamers. I've used them on multiple past projects already. While I like the idea of a set of SD Black Winters or Invaders, I'm hardly ever going to have the volume up enough to be able to tell any kind of tonal difference so why spend that kind of money? I'm still vacillating between a standard 25.5 or go nuts and get a baritone scale.

And then since my rationalization for building multiple guitars is so that I can have instruments in different tunings without having to mess with actually tuning & retuning a guitar, then double-checking intonation, then experimenting with string gauges, then messing with the truss rod, then messing with trem spring tension, then...... I'm not sure what tuning I want this one in just yet.

The black V is effectively a baritone in a standard scale. It's tuned to B-standard using Ernie Ball Not Even Slinky (56 gauge for the 6th string).

This one might be a Drop-D....or a C-standard. Or.... 🤷‍♂️
Weren't the blanks not routed for trem yet? Maybe the extra wood they hogged out explains that? If so thats really good info for building a super lightweight guitar. You can compare a lightweight trem to the weight of the wood its taking the place of.
I am a Nitro fanatic. Not for any tone BS reasoning, I just like my guitars to age with me. Never heard of Dragonfire pickups before, thanks for introducing me to another potential option.

Being involved in guitar making in any capacity is very dangerous. I currently have 7 electric guitars, 1 acoustic, and I keep telling myself "I'll set this one up in C#" and then I buy another with the same promise.
Weren't the blanks not routed for trem yet? Maybe the extra wood they hogged out explains that? If so thats really good info for building a super lightweight guitar. You can compare a lightweight trem to the weight of the wood its taking the place of.
Heh...duh (on my part)

I can be dumb sometimes. :D
Had to do it. I grabbed the Showcase V-K, though I still don't quite know why it was a Screamin' Deal as compared to the other V-K body in the Showcase. The specs seemed identical between the two. Even though one said it was super-light, the weight that was posted for both bodies was identical, so.... :unsure:

That was ordered on the 27th and it's on the production line right now. Haven't decided what kind of neck to put on it, whether standard or a bari. It's going to be a paddle head, though, so I can cut it to my personal signature custom shape. I got time to decide (and save the money for it....).
Some items are added to the Screamin' Deals just based on listed date. Nothing wrong with them, just a little motivation to move them.
Some items are added to the Screamin' Deals just based on listed date. Nothing wrong with them, just a little motivation to move them.
Sweet! Then any other low-mobility pointy super-meedly-meedly shapes, I can just let get moldy on Screamin' Deals, and I'm a happy guy! :D

(of course, I say that now and WM will stop producing them for stock and make me go back to ordering full-price custom..... ;) )
And now I'm torn. I just did an experiment on scrap mahogany with red lacquer and that looks marvelous. Do I continue with solid white or pivot and go with trans-red? The trans-red would still fit within the "sibling" narrative because it would be a sort of bridge between my black V and my original trans-red Jackson Kelly (poplar body with flame maple top).

Pics don't do the hue or saturation of the red any justice. Photos look more orange than it does in reality.

2024-10-12 17.22.37.jpg2024-10-12 17.22.24.jpg