Please help Identify this body wood


Junior Member
Hey everyone,

Im a fan of the band sublime and was wanting to build a replica of one of his guitars called the Brown guitar.
Now ive researched the internet and have heard two conflicting things, one that it was Hondouran Mahogany and two that it was Swamp Ash.
the wood is stained and there arnet very many good pictures of it but i found two small pictures that show the grain. Can anyone help me out? Thanks in advance



Difficult to tell since both pictures are in black and white.  If the debate is only between Swamp Ash or Honduras Mahogany, the faint grain of the wood suggests it may be Mahogany.

that last one is a different guitar though so disregard...
Here is the best color phot I could find
The guitar has a brown water-based powder pigment soaked in the wood
This color photo doesent show any of the grain though
I always thought it was some sort of decorative carving. Never really liked the looks of it, kinda does look like a hack job
kind of looks like he made a non-recessed floyd into a recessed floyd. anyway, i'd put my money on mahogany too, although it really is almost a solid finish. tough to say.
Kinda looks like a Music Man guitar, which probably means it's not mahogany. They didn't really do exotics. I agree with others that the grain looks fine enough that it may be, though. Usually, better production guitars use swamp ash, which has a more contrasty grain that's easy to see, or alder. So, since the thing is stained, it may just be alder. That would look fine-grained, and be common enough to show up on a Music Man guitar. If it's from the far east, it may even be pauwlonia, which is their version of alder.
The wiki entry on him says he primarily used 3 guitars:
    * Dan MacDonald Custom Electric Guitar - Body based on a mix of a 1960s Vox Hurricane and a G&L 100 guitar - Ebony Fretboard - Fitted with a Floyd Rose Vibrato System
    * Ibanez S-470 Electric Guitar - Smoke Black - Flame Top
    * Ibanez S-540
This guitar is the custom guitar made by The bands friend and guitar tech Dan Mcdonald. It is a custom shape with a pickgaurd that does look like a musicman, I have since found out from someone who inspected the guitar that the body is mahogany, thanks for the help
Seen this......or is this your inquiry ?
Why such a hard-on for that guitar ?
