
Pickguard pages updated

B3Guy said:
awesome! when might we see this added to the body builder? (or are you not allowed to do that as a "parts" company?) also, DON"T USE internet explorer. Just don't. it sucks.

Dunno why you want it added to the body builder @ Warmoth, Kisekae or something photoshoppy similar will give you an idea what the pickguard would look like on the body......  :dontknow:
^ I'd say combining convenience with the fact Warmoth has both the ability and the capacity to blow Kisekae clean out of the water.

And in doing so, they would also be making a sound buisness investment.

Warmoth is as much a "Parts" company as Aston Martin is a "Family Car" Company.

do they make "Parts"? yes. is that REALLY what they're about?

Clearly not.
but...if I want a pickguard without holes, why I can't?

(I want to change pickguard on my Suhr classic: now it's parch., after (i hope) tortoise shell - with Mary Key white body it's perfect for me :P)
Sure you can. Just uncheck the holes you don't want to appear. I just ordered one without the second tone knob hole or the selector switch slot.
I misunderstood which holes you were talking about. I thought you meant the holes for the pots and switch. You're right; there's no way to de-select mounting holes. But, I'd wager if you called them or sent an e-mail, they would be happy to make a pickguard without any mounting holes. However, getting the holes you would have to drill to mate up with the holes in the body, assuming there are some, would be difficult at best unless you have a pickguard already made that has those holes drilled. Then you could just transfer them to the new part.
AGWAN said:
^ I'd say combining convenience with the fact Warmoth has both the ability and the capacity to blow Kisekae clean out of the water.

And in doing so, they would also be making a sound buisness investment.

Warmoth is as much a "Parts" company as Aston Martin is a "Family Car" Company.

do they make "Parts"? yes. is that REALLY what they're about?

Clearly not.

What he means by parts company is that warmoth cant show pictures of their parts put together into a guitar, and a pickguard on a body might be stepping on toes. Thats why the only complete guitars you see on their website is the 7/8 stuff that they designed themselves.
speaking of which, is there a custom neck builder thing similar to the strat building preview thing in the pipeline?
Super Turbo Deluxe Custom said:
What is the SRV Countersink?

The switch and pickup mounting holes get countersunk, rather than just being through-holes.
rapfohl09 said:
AGWAN said:
^ I'd say combining convenience with the fact Warmoth has both the ability and the capacity to blow Kisekae clean out of the water.

And in doing so, they would also be making a sound buisness investment.

Warmoth is as much a "Parts" company as Aston Martin is a "Family Car" Company.

do they make "Parts"? yes. is that REALLY what they're about?

Clearly not.

What he means by parts company is that warmoth cant show pictures of their parts put together into a guitar, and a pickguard on a body might be stepping on toes. Thats why the only complete guitars you see on their website is the 7/8 stuff that they designed themselves.

I think they are working on getting the pickguard option added to the body builder.  For the reasons you mentioned, they won't show a fully assembled Kisekae image with any parts that interchange with Fender parts, although the 7/8 stuff does interchange with the short scale Fender stuff.  The 30" and 32" short and medium scale bass and Bass VI stuff can be shown fully assembled, and is why they don't have the Fender headstock shape.

As long as your Warmoth has a Fender headstock shape or is interchangeable with Fender stuff, they're a parts company.