
Pickguard pages updated


Hero Member
Hi gang,

The web team has been hard at it and just finished an upgrade to the pickguard pages.  Check them out now and you'll see they are similar to the visual Strat and Tele builders.


(They're always hard at work, BTW.  Bigger, better, faster, stronger, cooler..!)
that looks awesome! now my only request would be slanted single coil pickups in positions other than the bridge, and telecaster neck pickups available on strat pickguards for the middle and neck positions. pleeeaaase?
Should work fine in Chrome (version 6 runs fine and there is no reason that any of the older versions shouldn't work).  You may need to refresh your browser as some of the images get cached when you first go to the page (for the very first time).
I can't get it to work with explorer on a PC. It'll show the holes but when I click on a color or different pickup arrangement it goes blank and is just white. I tried going to the page a couple of times as you suggested but still can't make it go. The side edge view shows the color but the pick gaurd itself stays white.

Everything should work fine on Internet Explorer (versions 7 and above).  Try doing a hard refresh (Ctrl + F5) as you may have an image that is cached incorrectly. If that doesn't work, then place your cursor in the address bar of your browser and hit Enter (sometimes Explorer is finicky about its cached images).   If you are using a version of Internet Explorer that is less than 7 (6.0 and lower - versions built before 2001) then you may want to try using Firefox or Chrome.
Thanks, that's the problem. Turns out this is version 6 (my work computer). Sorry to raise an alarm.
Works well on Firefox 3.6.10/Ubuntu Linux 10.4.

Very nice utility. Fast, easy, informative. Good job!
Works very well on Win 7 and Mozilla Firefox 3.6.10....

While I have your attention tho, please can I ask.....  :help:  :icon_biggrin:

Why is there no facility to rout for mini humbuckers on the Jazzmaster pickguard!?

Doing it by hand is kinda a scarey freehand thing to try, and even with some sort of template secured in place, I doubt I could do a job comparable to what Warmoth could do.(centreing it exactly at the right spot for each pickup and also having in line with each other is a real bitch to work out!).. but I have to if I want to install mini hums into a Warmoth Jazzmaster body (other manufacturer's pickguards - if you can find another Jazzmaster pickguard that is - won't fit a Warmoth body). C'mon, while you have the programming stuff there in front of you, couldn't you sneak those measurements into the CNC machine?  :dontknow:
Way cool, I was just thinking about how you guys needed one of these the other day  :icon_thumright:
I want a custom tele routed for 2  P90s and no control holes, but the tele control plate routed out, but I do not see the options, is it possible?
awesome! when might we see this added to the body builder? (or are you not allowed to do that as a "parts" company?) also, DON"T USE internet explorer. Just don't. it sucks.