
Paste wood filler on swamp tele


Hero Member
My least favorite part of the job.

Paste filler brushed on cross grain.


Squeegie off cross grain.


Rub off excess with burlap.


Same process on the front and she is ready for one coat of sealer and then I will repeat the process after I let everything shrink for a week.


The last picture is a very accurate shot of the color.  I really like the color of swamp after it gets filled.  One of these days I'm going to do one natural like this.
Reading your posts is basically a tutorial for my soon-to-be swamp ash project. I agree, natural (that's my plan, at least)
Yes, thank you for the lessons, keep 'em coming.  Look ma, I'm going to school!
I dont think thats the same Fullerplast as was used back when.  I have heard stories of the bodies being dipped in it... for sealing. 
Tonar, what kind of Filler did you use?
I used Behlen, and it didn't look like yours..also didn't have a nice color like yours.. it dried op grey..
Actually, I bought the oil based filler from reranch, but I couldn't even get that mixed.. it had split in half rubber and half liquid.. nasty stuff..
I got a can of filler from ReRanch that was hard as a rock ... 15 minutes later I had it mixed into a creamy goo that was totally ready to apply. it's been the best filler I've used to date

all the best,

I dont think thats the same Fullerplast as was used back when.   I have heard stories of the bodies being dipped in it... for sealing

CB is correct that it is not the same Fullerplast that they used back in the day but neither are the lacquers we use today.  The thing that has changed  are the VOC's in the product.  That effects the preformance but does not change the purpose of the stuff.  Any way you look at it the stuff was and is nasty.   I can check with Bob Gowan to see if Fender sprayed it or dipped.  He left Fender in the early 70's but ran the paint shop back in the day.  He came to the company I work for and I worked with him until he retired about 2 years ago.

Tonar, what kind of Filler did you use?

I used Jasco oil base filler.