
Past Wives... Get Your Pics Uploaded!

Ok.... first I 'm must preface this by saying this guy in the picture is a pretty serious dork. :-)   Well... at least I was when it was taken when i was 15. ;-)

Anyway... I've sold a bunch of guitars over the years including a Hohner HSS pro, an Ovation Acoustic and a early 90's USA made B.C. Rich Gunsliner, but this is the only one I truly miss...

I have no idea what model of guitar it is, but it's a 88/89 Gibson (according to the SN #), built in the Nashville Gibson plant.   Basically a Les Paul Jr/Melody Maker/ I have no idea.   Kahler trem, Explorer style Hockey headstock, pearl pickguard..   To this day I still can't figure out what model it is.

This guitar sounded amazing, dark tones, played well..  I sold it in 1994 for $150 to buy my Ibanez Jem. :-(  Only guitar I regret selling.

but yeah... disregard the dude in the pic.  I lost the 80's glasses and grew my hair out 2 feet within the next few years. :-)
