
Past Wives... Get Your Pics Uploaded!


Hero Member
Right, here is where you post some pics of the old guitars you used to own...

I Guess I'll start. I don't have my own pics for some of these so i just pulled them from the web.

1st is an Ibanez S520EX which i replaced the bridge with a Dimarzio tonezone then later an Evo.

2nd is a LAG JET100 in an off-white.
Thing got abused...TOO much.

3rd is a Kramer 1984 Reissue
Sold on ebay :( don't know what i was thinking at the time...
The first two look really cool! I've always had a bit of a sweet spot for the S-series' looks. Hard to find one to play in my town though. Will post photos of my godawful Epi tonight.
kboman said:
The first two look really cool! I've always had a bit of a sweet spot for the S-series' looks. Hard to find one to play in my town though. Will post photos of my godawful Epi tonight.

I thought you hated Str*ts and Str*t-shaped things?  :laughing7:

On topic, I don't have any pics of my old guitars because it's just not in me to get rid of gear. I have a disease...
ErogenousJones said:
kboman said:
The first two look really cool! I've always had a bit of a sweet spot for the S-series' looks. Hard to find one to play in my town though. Will post photos of my godawful Epi tonight.

I thought you hated Str*ts and Str*t-shaped things?  :laughing7:

I do! But at least these have humbuckers, a carved top and a useful whammy ;) In practical use they're probably just as bloody awkward and uncomfortable as any other str*t shaped abomination out there...
kboman said:
ErogenousJones said:
kboman said:
The first two look really cool! I've always had a bit of a sweet spot for the S-series' looks. Hard to find one to play in my town though. Will post photos of my godawful Epi tonight.

I thought you hated Str*ts and Str*t-shaped things?  :laughing7:

I do! But at least these have humbuckers, a carved top and a useful whammy ;) In practical use they're probably just as bloody awkward and uncomfortable as any other str*t shaped abomination out there...

To each his own, eh? I've always found the Strat shape to be very comfortable and ergonomic. Go figure.  :dontknow:
A couple that will be in 2 photos but all of these guitars are long gone except for the pink Music Man.




Aw man. I could spam the thread to smithereens if I found pics of the ol' guitars. Been through 30+ I guess. Maybe I'll do an attempt later  :toothy11:

@Elfro - That Kramer Reissue would have given me sleepless nights selling off.  :sad1:

@Mully - What is that guitar far right on first picture?


This was my first guitar, before it got adorned with stickers and eventually the MIM Strat pups from my current guitar.
It was $100 new, with a horrible amp, that I still have.
It's a Yamaha, if that wasn't obvious.
Marko said:
:( :sad1: :sad: :tard:


Theres a whole in my heart for you marko, that was such a nice guitar!

I used to have a Epi LP 100 that I sold to get my Gibby, and a B.C. Rich warlock that was my first electric that I got when I was 12 cause I was into guitars that looked like they could take someones head off. Im not losing sleep over either  :laughing7:

I do, however, reallllllyyyy miss my epi valve junior that I sold just to save some space. I'll probally have to buy another one in the near future.
AutoBat said:
Mully, is the 5150II gone too?

Yep, only things left from those pics is the pink Music Man, the camera bag, and the leather jacket. That was actually my first 5150II. I bought another one after that....it's gone too.
my 2 favorites that are now gone. the only thing against the Peavey was that it smelled like cigarette smoke, and i REALLY hate cigarette smoke. gave me serious headaches after a few minutes of playing. the BFG was just plain uncomfortable to play. it was supposed to be a "rough" guitar, and unfortunately it really was. the back of the guitar was literally sharp around the edges. sounded and felt great though! i didn't like the finish on the neck, but otherwise it was awesome.



and all of these :icon_biggrin:


Ibanez Exoticwood Acoustic, RGR521 (i think...), RG570, RGA121, and USA Peavey Wolfgang Standard.
mullyman said:
AutoBat said:
wolfies with no whammy-jammy look odd to me.

Dude, hard tail wolfies are cool. I never had one but I like them.

i really liked it. stayed in tune perfectly, and i really liked the feel of a TOM on a 25.5" scale neck. too bad it smelled so much :sad1: i'd definitely still have that one.
Here's a few stock pix of guitars I have owned and no longer have...
The Yamaha SG3C (this guitar basically became unplayable, what with all the mods I had to it and the horrible action it had)

The Jansen Invader (NZ made Strat copy with Jaguar control plate. Was on loan to me by my brother in law and handed it back to him some time ago).


Rickenbacker Model1997. (sold this to a professional muso in Australia, and the last I saw it, was in a shopfront for twice the price I got for it as it was "previously owned by......".)


1991 Gibson Firebird V White. (Had to sell this to pay a tax bill during some very bad time in my life. Really regret having to let this go, but the money I got for it paid the bill.)


Mine looked just like this photo..  :sad:

In no particularly order:


A Candy Red Fenix Strat. Saw that in a studio one day in a very bad condition. Changed the neck, new Wilkinson pickups and new hardware.


Burny RLC-60S SW - with Fernandes Sustainer. Got PW-tuners and gold metal pick-up frames. One of the best LP's I ever played.


Fender MIJ 62 Stratocaster. The one that got me addicted to the strat-shape.


Fernandes Monterey Elite in Satin Black Metallic finish. With Fernandes Sustainer.


Fernandes Revolver Pro 7. Not often seen. As far as I know the only production 7 string with Fernandes Sustainer.


Fernandes Retro Rocket Pro. HSS with Fernandes Sustainer.


Fernandes Monterey Elite in Honey Burst. With Fernandes Sustainer.


Fernandes Ravelle X.


Fender John 5 Triple Telecaster. Awesome sounding and well made guitar. Changed the trem to a Wilky VSVG. But it was a very heavy axe.


Casio MG 510 both midi equipped and "normal" guitar in one unit. Build in MIDI-to_pitch so you only need a midi-cable (and one for the normal guitar sound). I actually has had 4 of these - one in white back in the late 90'ties and 3 in black. I got two left. One with a Fernandes Sustainer. Exceptionally well made guitars from the famous Fuji-Gakki plant.


Ibanez RG1570 Prestige


Spirit By Steinberger MusicYo - with Fernandes Sustainer


Ibanez Talman TC530. I really love these guitars. Have had 4 - still got 2 - one TC530 and one TC830.


Another Ibanez Talman TC530.


Fernandes Revolver Pro - With Fernandes Sustainer.


Fender MIJ JD Telecaster - with a heavy makeover.


Tokai Special Edition - rebuild to a one pick-up config with killswitch.


Line 6 Variax 600. Maybe I'll get me one of the new Tyler Variaxes when they start to sell them. This one was a bit toy-ish to my taste.
A couple more....

My dark cherry Wolfgang is gone

Might as well add past gear too. Both of these guitars and the Mesa head and cabinet are gone too.

still have the pink MM and the Mesa combo