
Ordering a new guitar...and back on the forum


Hero Member
Hey guys, long time no see! I'm finally getting back into guitars and making music  :icon_biggrin:

So some of you may have heard of an Aussie company called Ormsby guitars, they do "runs" of guitars of particular specs through a factory in Korea. The current round that's going and will be until the end of the month are sort of "metal" guitars. I'm more than likely going to place a pre-order for one next week. In particular the one that I'm looking at getting is a "Goliath GTR 7 String in Seafoam Green", with an ebony fingerboard (2nd from the left).


It's just over $1700 AUD for the guitar and comes with a sweet gig bag. I went to a store near me that stocks similar spec guitars from the same company, through their Korean factory, and was thoroughly impressed with them when playing them, a lot nicer to play than my current cheap Kramer guitar. In particular, this was the guitar that I played mostly.


How is this related to Warmoth? Well, seeing as I'm going to get a 7 string guitar...and that I have no bass guitar anyway, I'll probably look at ordering parts to make myself a Warmoth 5 String bass.

Funnily enough, you would imagine with a 7 String guitar and a 5 String bass that I would be mainly making Metal, right? Well to be honest, lately I've been really digging some softer Progressive Metal/Rock.

Anyway, I'm back guys, hopefully will be pretty active on here. Any suggestions for the 5 string bass? Sort of thinking the Gecko 5...maybe matching with Seafoam Green?  :laughing7:
Hey Axkoa, welcome back.
Getting a Warmoth bass sounds like a great idea. I’ve been thinking about that too. But there always seem to be another guitar that gets the most attention first.  :icon_jokercolor:
Now while the Gecko is awesome - love the inlay you can get on those necks - I’m a short scale guy and more into the short scale G4


I love the lines on that body

Welcome back, Axkoa. Get one of those beauties coming and start a build thread.  :icon_thumright:
Cheers guys! I've been getting myself into too many other expensive hobbies so I'll probably have to wait another few months before ordering stuff for the bass, but it's definitely going to be one of my next major projects.
Placed my order just then, super pumped for February :headbang:

Now I gotta decide what to do for a bass :icon_scratch:
Received the guitar today after a longer than expected wait, though I was 100% sure they would ship and not scam me :icon_biggrin:

Really enjoying playing a 7 string, it's a pretty solid guitar. Here are some pics.



Now I'm planning on saving up for a Warmoth Strat; Shell Pink body, Wenge neck, Strat-sized P90 pickups, mint guard.
Rick said:
Nice.  What are the feet markers made of?

Not sure too much on materials, but they look pearloid of some sort. The side dots are luminlay though, which is pretty awesome.


Sounds great! I recently built to Standard 5 Jazz basses using Warmoth bodies and necks. I have some components left over that I'm currently trying to sell on Craigslist if you're interested. I have a Kickass 5 chrome bridge, a Nordstrandt Precision 5-string pickup and a Richter passive Jazz preamp.

Hey, fresh, you gotta a pretty sick style. How do the fanned fret multiple-scaled necks play? They don't quite trip the dank fantastic in my max headroom when in try to envisualize myself playing one. Is it a difficult thang to adjust to? The guitar is highly erotic but I'm saving my virginity for divorce.
Not exactly my style, but I must admit, its pretty damned sweet looking! Congrats on your new axe. Eleven months is a long time to wait, hope it meets your expectations!  :cool01:
Congrats. That's an impressive axe. Looking forward to your build thread for the next one.
BroccoliRob said:
Hey, fresh, you gotta a pretty sick style. How do the fanned fret multiple-scaled necks play? They don't quite trip the dank fantastic in my max headroom when in try to envisualize myself playing one. Is it a difficult thang to adjust to? The guitar is highly erotic but I'm saving my virginity for divorce.

I've only played this brand once before, and it took me about 2 minutes to get used to the multiscale this time, it was honestly so easy to get used to.

Thanks everyone else! Definitely excited to get into that Strat build as I'm sort of been getting into softer genres than Metal this year. Gotta spend the rest of the year saving up and finalising what I need.
Axkoa said:
BroccoliRob said:
Hey, fresh, you gotta a pretty sick style. How do the fanned fret multiple-scaled necks play? They don't quite trip the dank fantastic in my max headroom when in try to envisualize myself playing one. Is it a difficult thang to adjust to? The guitar is highly erotic but I'm saving my virginity for divorce.

I've only played this brand once before, and it took me about 2 minutes to get used to the multiscale this time, it was honestly so easy to get used to.

Thanks everyone else! Definitely excited to get into that Strat build as I'm sort of been getting into softer genres than Metal this year. Gotta spend the rest of the year saving up and finalising what I need.

Bro, thanks for the rep (short for reply). I should probably try out a fanny-fret guitar at a store sometime. Not tomorrow, though. Working on major holidays during big sales events is taxing as frick. I feel like a deleted scene from Trainspotting right now. BRB, I gotta go get some Monster Energy Ham and sleep for 16 hours.
BroccoliRob said:
..I feel like a deleted scene from Trainspotting....
Just a quick, off-topic aside: First time I saw Trainspotting, it was at my oldest son's urging. I had been watching for about a half hour, with the closed captions on, when my son happened by and advised me that they were speaking English! OMG! I have never before, or since, heard such a strong Scottish accent. Watching the rest of the movie, I began to catch on, but it wasn't till I watched the whole thing again, that I was really able to understand the dialog.
Dude, when I was born I had the doctor turn on subtitles so my whole life is closed captioned. It's like a USA network show up in my head every day. Like, characters welcome, dude!