
Order Status "updates"


Senior Member
Can any of you tell me if Warmoth updates your build status when looking under "Account." Right now it says "in process"  and I don't know if that means it's being built or what. I have no problem waiting (3 weeks as of now) for a custom neck.....I figure 5-6 weeks. Dan said to contact him this week and he'll find out if there are any updates. Warmoth's customer service is excellent.
It will say "In Process" until it ships. It would be a lot of work to update every build they have going on. It would be neat to see it say something like "one week until completion" but that is a lot to ask for. I would imagine many of the process rely on other like processes. In other words they will group all of the red dye finishes together and all of the vintage white finishes together if possible. That makes it tough to say exactly when something will be ready.
Basically you place the order and then wait for the e-mail that it's been shipped. Whatever the status says just means, "We have your order, but it hasn't shipped yet", with no real additional information of any kind.
I kinda figured it would be you order and get an email saying it shipped....the other is wishfull thinking on my part:laughing7: It would be A LOT of work for them to update every order. I was just curious, thanks for answering my question.
personally, I'd rather have them working their butts off finishing my order than taking breaks every two hours to tell me what they've done.
When I look at my account, all I see is my recently completed orders, but not the order that I should have "in-process".  Is there somewhere else I should be looking for this?
lafromla1 said:
When I look at my account, all I see is my recently completed orders, but not the order that I should have "in-process".  Is there somewhere else I should be looking for this?
Just order a new body, and it'll say "In Process" right away :D  :hello2: