
One and a Half Warmoths in this Live Recording


Senior Member
This past summer my band got the chance to play at a small music festival called the "Seven Springs Rockfest", and it was great fun. The guy who runs it owns a small production company that typically makes TV commercials. So the "pay" for the gig was these really cool live music videos of us playing. I'm really happy with how they came out. I did all of the audio mixing and mastering, which is a skill I've been working on / struggling at for years. I worked hard and I think I upped my game on this one, I'm very satisfied with the final audio mix.

Oh and of course we have some Warmoth gear going here too! My wife is playing the G4 short scale bass I built for her a few years ago. My guitar started life as a squier tele custom that I've owned for almost 20 years. I've upgraded it a lot, it has a really great Warmoth neck, some Railhammer Nuevo 90 pickups, brass saddles, and a few other upgrades.

So I thought I'd share these with you all. Hope you enjoy listening!



Rick said:
Great vids ... love those rail hammers!

Those Railhammers are a game changer for me. (Kind of reminds me of when I discovered the roasted maple necks.) They just sound so, so good! I'm so glad they were suggested to me on this forum.