
Ok, wireless... tell me why this is stupid please.


Hero Member
So, I have a couple Strats that I like to play that are blocked off trems.  I took the claw and springs out of both.  One has active EMGs and one is passive Duncans (humbucker bridge, singlecoil neck).  I also have two old, mid/late 90s Nady wireless units.  One is a single diversity unit (gasp) and the other is dual.  Now, I'm considering tearing the guts out of the transmitters and extending the on/off switch onto a new switch that i would mount into the Strat backplate.  I'd have to hardwire the output to the jack, and I intend to have the jack still function normally.

What madness am I not considering here?

Would you ever want to use the transmitters in another guitar?

Do you want to play the guitar plugged in ever?
No and yes.

I don't see why the jack wouldn't work normally with the transmitter switched off.  I'm going to pull the jack off and wire it to the back side of the jack.

Hell, good idea!

If the battery is contained in the unit, and you have the on/off switch wired, the only thing that I would do is have a "cable/wireless" switch that switched the output from either the wireless or the output jack.  Actually, you could probably do this using a multi-pole switch for the output jack.

It's a cool idea.  What's the best way of re-charging the batteries?  A battery re-charge jack would be a good idea as well.
Lol, my problem is that I DON'T need another guitar project.

I was considering selling these old wireless units (since I've upgraded several times), and I've always tossed around the idea of having wireless hardwired.

Although I have never been a fan of music stuff that requires batteries, this seems like an interesting experiment.  Unfortunately for you, and at our benefit, you are the guinea pig for finding problems that we have not considered yet.  I can't figure out a good idea for a simple switching system, this will be some fun if work gets slow today.  Still, if you use wireless anyways, I do not see why this would be anything but a logical extension of that system.

Max said:
I'm going to need to build a top routed strat made for just modding one day.

i thought about doing the same thing a while ago. probably a vintage or arctic white strat with a universal route made especially for whatever i felt like at the time haha
I would say get a switching jack so that if you have something plugged in, it automatically cuts power to the wireless (kinda the opposite of what effects pedals usually use, where it cuts power if nothing is plugged in).  Then you can just run output wires to both the wireless unit and the output jack (assuming that when turned off, the wireless unit doesn't present a tone-sucking input impedance).
JaySwear said:
Max said:
I'm going to need to build a top routed strat made for just modding one day.

i thought about doing the same thing a while ago. probably a vintage or arctic white strat with a universal route made especially for whatever i felt like at the time haha

how about your charger green strat?
I think it sounds like a fun idea. I'd be a little hesitant about using old Nady units, though. I don't know if you're aware of it or not, but in June of this year in conjunction with the DTV changeover the FCC changed the rules about which frequencies you can use for such things, so short-haul units in the 698-806MHz band are illegal now. I seriously doubt they're lurking around waiting for someone to light one up so they can pounce on them, but you might find yourself the unwitting receiver of some broadcasts that end up flying out of your amp's mouth at high volume at inopportune moments. And if you interfere with somebody else's radio setup, they might pitch a bitch, in which case the FCC will come after you. I think it's public service/safety communications that those frequencies have been sold/assigned to, but you'd have to look it up to find out for sure. Doesn't really matter - what matters is you can't use them. The Nadys, Sennheisers, Shures et al of this world didn't put up too much of a fuss because it meant they were going to get to sell a boatload of new equipment that operates in a different frequency bandwidth. Just a heads-up.

The other thing I'd caution against is putting a switch on the back of the guitar. Sure as sunrise, no matter how you orient it, you're going to wipe it on or off at the wrong time. Put the switch on the front, and use a miniature multi-pole that turns power off/on and switches the standard output jack in/out of the circuit at the same time.
Yup - those are public safety bands now - or at least the 800mhz end of it. Which of course means that in the remote chance you did cause interference with someone else, they just might come after you, as well as the fact that there are 47 million people with scanners just looking for something to do.
AprioriMark said:
I was considering selling these old wireless units (since I've upgraded several times), and I've always tossed around the idea of having wireless hardwired.

Per the previous 2 posts, you really can't sell those units in clear conscience now. They're essentially scrap unless you live way out in a rural area and only use them at home.

And for everybody else reading, if you think you're seeing an incredible deal on Craig's List or eBay, be sure to look up the model number of whatever somebody is selling so you don't buy somebody else's scrap.
Max said:
Superlizard said:
You're modding for modding's sake.
Nothing wrong with that :P

I'm going to need to build a top routed strat made for just modding one day.

That was the idea behind the Strat I built last year. It's just for tinkering, learning the tricks of the trade, etc. It ended up sounding and playing great, which is a real bonus. So it seems like a good idea to me.
Patrick said:
JaySwear said:
Max said:
I'm going to need to build a top routed strat made for just modding one day.

i thought about doing the same thing a while ago. probably a vintage or arctic white strat with a universal route made especially for whatever i felt like at the time haha

how about your charger green strat?

i could! i'd have the route the pickups to be a universal route, but thats doable. i'd prefer my modding-guitar just be a hardtail so the set up was easy, but if i get decent enough with setting up the floyd then it might not be so bad